Friday, 23 February 2018

Your Ecstatic Nature by the Celestial White Beings

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 23rd February 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
A download of energy is preparing to flow through your being as requested by your soul and higher aspects. White pearlescent energy will channel through your being vibrating at a quick speed as it moves through you. As the white pearlescent light touches the energy of Mother Earth, it expands outwards from below your feet creating the most beautiful waves of colour as if a blanket of flowers has manifested. The multicoloured light moves at high-speed interweaving creating beautiful impressions of glorious light. This process is continuous, with the white pearlescent light strengthening in presence flowing through the core of your being and the multicoloured light constantly swelling and oscillating in beautiful patterns.
This is a creative gift and download of light which has numerous meanings. The key aspects of the energy download are the gifts of awakening innocence, creativity and the awareness of beauty. These sacred qualities are the essence of the Creator, the foundations of your ascension and virtues of your being.
 Innocence is the truth, purity and simplicity of your energy, journey through the Universe of the Creator and life upon the Earth. When you connect with the vibration and presence of innocence within your being you are reconnecting with the source of all that is; the Creator. You are remembering yourself beyond words, limitations, ideas and even thought. You recognise yourself as the indescribable presence that you are and that is eternally present within you. This is the knowingness that all beings seek, a knowingness which exists within all.
Creativity manifests as the divine flow, manifestation and experience of the Creator. Creativity allows you to access the rhythmic patterning of the Creator, joyfully dancing in time with the Creator to generate and ground further sacred qualities of the Creator to be experienced by you and all. Creativity is a natural part of your essence; you are constantly in the flow of creation, your purpose is to create in ways that fulfil and remind you of the presence of the Creator within and around you. When you accept your inner creativity, you allow the Creator to seed light into your imagination, abilities and expression. The results can be unique, inspirational and filled with passion that leads you to an experience of your oneness with all that is; your ecstatic nature.
Fear and Desire of Your Ecstatic Nature
Many people seek and at the same time fear their ecstatic nature. Their deepest desire is to move through their ascension journey to remember their union with the Creator while also being deeply fearful of returning to the wholeness of the Creator. We, the Celestial White Beings, will share with you that your ecstatic nature is a remembrance of your presence and existence beyond attachment. Fear of remembering your ecstatic nature or in other words your union with the Creator is because of your magnification of attachments. So, we, the Celestial White Beings, ask you, why do fear embodying your ecstatic nature, what are you fearful of letting go of or loosing? This question is very personal to you, everyone’s answers will be diverse.
Your ecstatic nature is the awakening of innocence, creativity and the awareness of beauty from within your being. It is your awareness of your presence or essence without limitations and attachments. You may call this aspect of yourself your liberated, loving or enlightened self. Whatever label you place upon your ecstatic nature you know that it is the aspect of yourself which emanates and knows itself to be bliss, love, peace, truth and sacred wisdom, in truth, everything that is the Creator.
The third quality of the Creator downloaded into your being and assisting with your connection to your ecstatic nature is your awareness of beauty. Beauty is a manifestation of the Creator’s energy because beauty exists within the Creator. Many souls are unwilling to realise themselves as beautiful because this would seem to lack humbleness. We, say to you that recognising the beauty of the Creator within your being and around you are a true act of humbleness. The beauty of the Creator cannot be denied nor obscured. When you allow yourself to recognise the beauty of the Creator within all aspect of your being and all manifestation of the Creator you are reconnecting with your exquisite, magnificent, limitless, fulfilled and whole self.  You are seeing, sensing and acknowledging beyond attachment, perceptions, judgment and lack, realising instead that you are deserving and worthy on every level of your being. This results in the realisation that the only person who judges you and therefore the beauty of your entire being is you. Those that judge you from the outside world are only a reflection of your personal self-judgments and disbelief in your inner, whole being beauty. We, know this can be challenging to accept.
Our energy download, as described at the beginning of our communication supports the activation of your innocence, creativity and beauty. These energies we gift to you from our beings and from the Creator. The same energies we awaken within you now. Our purpose and mission is to guide you into a greater acknowledgement of your ecstatic nature, dissolving any fears of remembering your union with the Creator. We will achieve this by dissolving attachments, thus allowing your innocence, creativity and beauty to be expressed through your being, granting states and experiences of your ecstatic nature.
When, we, the Celestial White Beings, speak of attachment, we are referring to your belief in something or someone being permanent, belonging to you or unchanging. The natural perception of your infinite self is that something or someone is free, constantly transforming and a gift for you to enjoy for as long as is appropriate, guided or needed. To exist as your truth is to be as love and to share love when love is present attachment of any form cannot be.
Love dissolves the illusion of attachment.
To dissolve the presence and creation of attachment, there is no need to disconnect from people, gift your belongings to others or disassociate from the material world. Instead simply be love and share love and you will notice the illusion of attachment dissolving and dispersing with ease.
Accessing Our Energy Download
‘I call upon the Celestial White Beings to download their energy flow and surge into and through my being now. I openly receive your white pearlescent light downloading into the core of my being. I welcome the white pearlescent light touching Mother Earth and creating beautiful multicoloured light oscillating and unfolding like a carpet of flowers. I receive and embody from the Celestial White Beings and the Creator the energy of innocence, creativity and beauty. Let the same energies awaken within my being enabling me to experience these sacred qualities fully within my being and reality. Through embodiment help me to release and dissolve all attachments, especially to pain and illusion. With your healing and energy download, assist me in remembering within my being my ecstatic nature, exploring this aspect of my being beyond fear and with your presence guiding me. Thank you, Celestial White Beings.’
Allow yourself to sit peacefully as we, the Celestial White Beings, bring forth the download of our energy into and through your being. Imagine, sense or acknowledge our white pearlescent light flowing into your being. Allow yourself to breathe the light deep into all aspects of your being. Imagine our light touching Mother Earth creating such beautiful colours of light. Be present with the awakening occurring within you and any observations regarding attachments that may surface. Let us lead you into your ecstatic nature for you to explore and experience fully. We are present to be of service.
In bliss always,
The Celestial White Beings

Friday, 16 February 2018

The Abundance of Your Inner Clarity by Master Sananda

The Abundance of Your Inner Clarity by Master Sananda
Channeled Through Natalie Glasson -  16th February 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Loving blessings extend from my being as I come forth emitting the inner most vibrations of clarity of my being. Clarity is the truth of the Creator in action. Each soul can access and has the ability to deliver forth the clarity of the Creator. Each soul can embody the clarity of the Creator because it is the essence of your being, there is simply a need to understand and connect with this sacred energy that describes the truth of the Creator. When you access the Creator’s clarity within your being, so you become the truth of the Creator in action. Clarity is seeing, sensing and acknowledging an inspirational pathway which brings forth enlightenment and illumination that encourages you to feel you can easily take the most appropriate action that is required. The presence of clarity is soothing, cleansing and activating to your physical body and energy bodies, thus dissolving blockages and stagnant energy that may be hindering you in any way. Clarity awakens your entire being, refreshes your systems and allows you to realise the truth within your being. You begin to explore all that you are, recognise the guidance flowing through your being and access the courage to take the necessary steps to be love and the divine in action.
Clarity = Enlightenment
Enlightenment is, in fact, your connection to your inner frequencies of clarity.
Many people believe that once they access enlightenment, then they will experience clarity, therefore understanding the guidance, wisdom and love of the Creator and delivering it forth. In truth enlightenment dawns when you access and embody your inner clarity. A pure and simple intention of awakening and embodying your inner clarity would allow you to feel enlightened.
‘I now connect with the core of my inner clarity, drawing the clarity of the Creator into the depths of my entire being. I choose to experience a continuous link with my inner clarity, enjoying these sacred frequencies pulsating throughout my being. May my inner clarity influence my entire being in magical, beautiful and healing ways. As I access and become familiar with my inner clarity, so I am the truth of the Creator in action, being divinely inspired and guided. It is through the sacred vibrations of clarity that I experience all that I imagine enlightenment to be and more. It is with clarity that I act and react as the divine upon the Earth. Thank you.’
Many souls seek clarity, wishing to understand their presence on the Earth, their purpose and meaning and yet many remain unclear, confused and distracted. When you access your inner clarity, you allow yourself to access the core of your being and the vibration that is all knowing. You bring the truth of your core to the surface to interact within your reality while becoming very centred and grounded in your truth; who you are.
Perceiving Your World
You may feel that the way you interact with and perceive your world is inbuilt within you as who you are. This is false, within you are a variety of levels of interaction and perception that you could embody. The way you see, sense and acknowledge the world you live in could dramatically change if you were willing and ready to allow it to. Many souls upon the Earth are perceiving from the surface of their being; this means drawing from information they have received from the outer world since birth. You have the ability to perceive, create and interact from the core of clarity, meaning from a space within you which is grounded, centred, understands you in your entirety and is a transmission of the Creator. Imagine viewing the world around you from your core inner space of clarity; there would be a deep sense of simplicity and transparency. Everything would be open and available to you, flowing with beauty. It is this inner core of clarity which is breathtakingly grounded and centred, that I, Master Sananda, wish to encourage you to connect into. It is this focus that will heal, enlighten and bring forth remembrance.
When being taught this valuable lesson as a child in my lifetime as Master Jesus, I realised that when I was connected to my inner clarity, I felt safe, an inner strength and warmth, a sense of my own power and capabilities, inspired to be of service and a deep acceptance of myself. This was for me the experience of my inner clarity and how it manifested within my being. I discovered that if I focused on the warm powerful glow of energy within my being, melting into its ever-expanding energy I would link with my inner clarity, feeling it pulsating and flowing throughout my being with such truth.
Take time to allow yourself to imagine, sense or acknowledge how the presence of your inner clarity feels within your being when you focus upon connecting. Realise that clarity isn’t an outcome, rather it is an energy within your essence, that is so sacred. Clarity is an embodiment and a centring within your being which promotes experiences of divine action and simplicity.
When you seek clarity, you only enhance your focus upon the vagueness, clutter, chaos and confusion that you may be experiencing within your being and reality. You are focusing upon your lack and your disconnection with the core of your being. When you realise that clarity is already present within your being and simply requires you to focus upon its presence, breathing it into your being and reality, you embody clarity and focus upon the abundance of your being instead. If you are experiencing vagueness, clutter, chaos and confusion, then you are focused on the lack of clarity and it would be appropriate to ground more fully into your inner clarity.
Exercise to Ground into the Abundance of Your Inner Clarity
As you take the focus of your mind inwards, allow yourself to imagine a seed that is charged with energy, so much so it is as if it is on fire. It is creating such a glow, warmth and a powerful presence within you. The fire may be any colour. The seed represents the core of your being.
Invite the seed to activate its inner clarity and for this energy to overflow into the area around the seed. Feel, sense or acknowledge the beauty of your inner clarity. Recognise how it instantly lovingly impacts your being.
Your inner clarity allows the seed to be planted deep within your being, melting into the energy and source which created the seed and the core of your being. It is as if your core as the seed is returning to its creator, joining as one. You could imagine the creator as a tree or the essence of everything, whatever feels appropriate to you.
Within your core and the source of your core is an abundance of clarity, a frequency which can be described as a colour, sound, vibration and sensation. Allow yourself to feel, sense or acknowledge the abundance of clarity, let your self bathe in clarity as you filter this sacred energy into your entire being and reality. Observe any shifts or transformations which take place within your being, observe the divine in action flowing through you.
Hold this focus for some time, until you feel that you are becoming familiar with the energy in whichever way is appropriate for you.
The more you focus on your inner clarity the more you will notice your true and natural embodiment of the clarity and how it positivity transforms your perception of your world. You will notice a new sensation of observing from the truth within rather than observing from the surface of your being. It is this experience that will allow you to feel as if you are accessing enlightenment.
Know that you are a being of clarity and your world is a place of clarity, this was intended by the Creator.
Allow me to guide you in recognising your self as a master of clarity,
Master Sananda


Friday, 9 February 2018

The Three Stages of Soul Cleansing by Lady Nada

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 9th February 2018 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
As the overseer of the cleansing energy and vibrations of the Creator’s light, I, Lady Nada, come forth to share with you the exquisite cleansing and awakening which is taking place within the souls of many upon the Earth. The ascension process is moving so fast currently that it is difficult for many to keep track of the shifts activating and awakening within their being. There are so many levels of your being, and each is being activated, cleansed and recalibrated to support your remembrance of the Creator. It can be challenging to know and understand everything that is taking place within your being. Therefore it is appropriate to observe your energy and become familiar each day with how your body, mind, emotions and spiritual self feel and appear to you. In doing so not only do you give yourself space to notice how your being reacts to energies and your environment, you also begin to observe a journey taking place within your being. Such awareness can give you a sense of trust in the process you are moving through, feeling more able to understand your needs each day. You will also begin to recognise the sacred link and connection between each of your energy bodies while being able to trace stagnant or limiting energies back to their core. The most beautiful spiritual practice that I can share with you and which we encourage on the inner planes 8th Ray of Light is to become familiar with whom you are in each given moment, without judgment or expectation. It is a sacred and loving acceptance of all that you are, which offers an in-depth insight into the ascension process your soul is moving through.
I, Lady Nada, encourage you to take 5 – 10 mins a day to simply observe your body, emotional, mental and spiritual beings. In doing so, you will become friends with your truth. If you become aware of any pain, suffering or stagnant energy as you observe, simply continue to observe with love in your heart. You may discover that simple observation is a powerful tool that allows healing to take place. All energies that you hold onto and that require to be released simply wish to be acknowledged, once this takes place, often they heal and dissolve.
Stage One
Your soul is currently exploring expansion. The first stage of cleansing your soul is currently experiencing is the process of releasing, receiving and embodying the space of the Creator. This is a very beautiful process because your soul is releasing and letting go of many energies, perceptions, wounds, patterns and limitations that it has carried through many a lifetime. This process of release takes place through your soul expanding its energy at an earthly physical level and a spiritual inner planes level. It is a great moment of celebration, your soul is ready and feels safe to magnify and multiply its energy, thus enhancing its power. As your soul expands releasing and letting go of unneeded energies so its vibration quickens and an experience of liberation dawns. Your soul is free to exist without limitations, merging more fully with all aspects of your being, Mother Earth and the earthly reality while also exploring the Universe of the Creator. Remember that you are the Creator therefore you fill and exist within everything. Your soul is exploring its connection with all that is the Creator and embodying the truth of the Creator. This is extremely invigorating, activating and pleasurable for your soul because your soul is journeying through remembrance of all that it is as an expression of the Creator.  
Through expansion, your soul is creating space to receive, collect and embody more of itself and the Creator. Your soul is exploring the abundance, fulfilment and wholeness of the Creator, awakening and drawing these sacred energies into its core. All that your soul is experiencing on the inner planes and the Earth is filtering into your physical body. The vibrations, consciousness and shifts taking place in higher aspects of your soul are impacting every part of your being and life upon the Earth. You have the ability to draw these energies and the joy the higher aspects of your soul are experiencing into your being and existence now.
‘I am speaking to all aspects and levels of my soul. As you move through a process of releasing, receiving and embodying the space of the Creator, I surrender all that I am to daily receive the benefits of my soul’s current expansion journey and progression. I am an embodiment of the highest truth of my soul upon the Earth now. Thank you.’
Stage Two
Quickening of lower vibrations. Your soul is delving deep into the lower vibrations of all that you are. Your soul is empowered and is carrying magnified light into stagnant, lower vibrational energies within your being and within other embodiments of your soul on the Earth, simultaneous lifetimes and on the inner planes. Your soul is anchoring so much light into lower vibrations of your being that all that is your soul is vibrating, pulsating and becoming powerfully energetic. This is encouraging higher aspects of your soul to quicken, becoming powerful beacons of light. As your entire being, reality and soul vibrate at a quicker rate, so the Creator showers you in blessings, light and love. This is immensely empowering as it enhances your feeling of being supported and loved unconditionally by the Creator. Your soul soars synthesising and remembering the Creator, establishing new connections and showering your being with such positivity, truth and excitement. Your physical self and personality begin to release with ease all perspectives of lack and pain, as there is an overwhelming feeling of being loved and supported by the Creator that creates a beautiful flow and fulfilment to your life and existence upon the Earth.
Due to the current cleansing mission of your soul, you may feel negative or painful energies becoming more visible within your being as your soul vibrates the light into lower energies to transform them. At the same time, you may experience empowering feelings of being loved, supported and blessed, as your reality flows with ease and perfection. It may feel as if your dreams are manifesting in your reality. Be aware that you may swing from recognising the pain within your being to feeling completely fulfilled and loved. This will be natural at this time, and there is a need to simply accept that your soul is working on a very deep level for the greater good of your ascension.
Stage Three
Your soul is contemplating and experiencing its wholeness. Your soul is magnifying all the beautiful Creator qualities it recognises itself as, sending waves of these sacred qualities into your entire being. Due to this, you may experience surges of energy, emotions or feelings moving through your being at different times throughout your day. Such surges could cause confusion as from nowhere you may find yourself feeling blissfully happy or deeply connected. You may also experience inspiration to take action in your life or to develop certain skills and abilities. This is a beautiful process as it will allow you to become more familiar with the sacred qualities at the very core of your being and essence. 
To contemplate and experience the wholeness of your being your soul will begin to download light vibrations from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Goddess Beings, Dimensions, Inner Plane chambers and so much more. This is a way of activating new beautiful Creator qualities within your being and at the core of your soul. As new light vibrations from throughout the Universe of the Creator penetrate your soul and entire being, remembrance of the wholeness of your being will dawn, with new previously unrecognised qualities and abilities emerging to be observed and accepted. When you experience energies flowing and pouring into your being, know that it is your soul contemplating the fullness and wholeness of your being. It is a time of celebration and awakening of all that is your truth.
Please know I, Lady Nada, am present to support you in the cleansing and evolution of your soul,
Lady Nada

Friday, 2 February 2018

Insights into the Ascension of Mother Earth and Humanity by Council of Sirius

Insights into the Ascension of Mother Earth and Humanity by Council of Sirius
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 2nd February 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, we are the Council of Sirius, we are a gathering of souls commissioned to deliver wisdom to those upon Sirius from the Creator to support ascension, while receiving wisdom from other areas and aspects of the Universe of the Creator. We are known as guardians of knowledge and communicators. We ensure harmony between Sirius and the entire Universe of the Creator. We come forth to share with you our knowledge and communicate with your soul to support the essential awakening of ascension within your being and the civilisation of the Earth. We hope you will accept the energy we share with you now and ask you to surrender the thoughts of your mind to reveal the wisdom of your soul.
Sirius is famous due to the presence of the Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters and the Ascended Master University. Many wish to attend both the Lodge and University to aid their mastery and achieve their initiations to become realised as an Ascended Master.
We, the Council of Sirius wish to use this opportunity of connection to share with you insights of how we and many upon the inner planes are supporting you, all upon the Earth and Mother Earth in your current ascension period and the year of 2018.
Earth’s Cycles
Many of the Earth’s Cycles are coming to an end. Cycles of energy once activated within the energetic body of Mother Earth are weakening and dissolving. Some of these cycles and energy patterns were created at the origin of the Earth while others were created thousands and hundreds of years ago, even ten or five years ago. Many of these energy cycles are positive and supportive to the Earth while others are negative, limiting and harmful to the Earth and her inhabitants. In order to release and dissolve the limiting energy cycles which still imprint into the energy systems of those born upon the Earth, there is a need to surrender some positive energy cycles as well to bring balance and harmony. Such energy cycles have been influencing all aspects of humanity, especially thought processes and emotional states. A cleansing is required which is being supported by many upon the inner planes. As humanity seeks the Creator, awakens to their ability of creation and regains their inner true power, so humanity is breaking and shattering cycles of energy which have been deeply embedded within Mother Earth. This is creating a beautiful healing for all while allowing turmoil carried by you from previous generations hidden deep within your being to be recognised and dissolved.
It is due to this healing of the Earth’s cycles that there is a need for you and all of humanity to focus upon that which you wish to experience in your reality and for all. Thought processes devoted to peace, harmony, the awakening of truth, love, compassion and forgiveness will create new energy cycles that mirror the truth of the Creator you wish to embody and recognise upon the Earth and within all. We, the Council of Sirius encourage you to create intentions born from and carried forth by the love of your soul focused on your highest vision for yourself and all. Praying, mantras, affirmations, intentions and positive thoughts will support the new creation of the energy cycles of the Earth, liberating many to see, sense and acknowledge the Creator more fully within your being.  Everything you create impacts the Earth, ascension now and generations to come.
Mirror Ascension
The Mirror Ascension Initiation process is taking place for many upon the Earth now. It is a simple process where your awareness is heightened allowing you to realise that everything, everyone and many experiences outside of yourself are a reflection of the energy, emotions or thoughts within your being. The Mirror Ascension Initiation also works that you may attract people, experiences or energies into your reality that represent the qualities and abilities you already hold within your being and require to be activated. A deeper realisation of self and connection to others manifests as well as the ability to recognise that which is required within you whether healing or activation. This is something to be aware of at this stage of your ascension.
Rewiring Mother Earth and Humanity
The process of rewiring Mother Earth and Humanity began many years ago especially assisted by the Venus Beings who began to align Mother Earth and humanity with their planet Venus and therefore a high-frequency vibration of love. This process of aligning the Earth and humanity to dimensions within the Universe of the Creator continues now, allowing immense wisdom, light, love and enlightenment to cascade into the Earth and humanity. The immense volume of light is causing a rewiring of Mother Earth and humanity, meaning that core energies, codes, channels and chakras of the Earth and humanity are being upgraded to align with higher purer frequencies of the Creator. It is important at this time to ensure that you open your energy system daily to receive the light of the Creator, grounding and anchoring the light through your being and into Mother Earth.
Awakening of Truth
Not only is the truth of the Creator awakening within your being now, the truth of humanity and Mother Earth is awakening, bringing original pure energies and consciousness to the surface for all to remember. Truth is coming to the surface at personality and society levels as well. No longer can lies, deceit, fabrications and malice remain hidden or hidden in full view. Many are beginning to see through dishonesty, even within themselves and are seeking the truth and love of their intuition to guide them through the release and healing of false beliefs. It is because of this that focusing daily on listening to your intuition and following your inner source with action is immensely important so that you may move forth easily and effortlessly.
Realisation of Karmic Energies in the Present
Humanity is beginning to realise that they are the cause of all creations upon the Earth and within their realities. This is a great realisation even if it has not yet fully entered into the minds of many, the knowledge is present within their energy field and is dawning. Contemplating that which you cause and the effect your creations have upon yourself, and others now creates a powerful inner awakening, while allowing karmic energies to be healed and released.
Awakening of peace and humility
Due to the growing presence of love within every soul upon the Earth, even if they are unaware of it, energies of peace and humility are dawning. We, the Council of Sirius are especially lending our energy to support the further awakening of peace and humility within those upon the Earth. We are initiating many healing waves over the coming year to support this activation within your being. You may call upon the Council of Sirius to activate and awaken your inner peace and humility from the core of your soul, and we will support you until you can recognise these two aspects of your being clearly within your being.
Sourcing of Inner Facets
Those focused upon their spiritual evolution are being guided to recognise their inner facets or most sacred aspects of themselves within the source of their being. Many are being faced with during meditation aspects of their sacred source which are so divine, heavenly and blissful that it creates such profound healing and a sense of the immense power within. Ask during meditation to realise and recognise the most sacred aspect of your inner source. Each time you practice this, you may become aware of different aspects of the same energy within you, allowing you to access the wholeness and completeness of your being.
Frequency Pulsation Activation to Shift to a New Light Empowered Consciousness
Soul’s upon the Earth moving through the advanced stages of their ascension may for a few months experience what is known as a Frequency Pulsation Activation. This is akin to an electric shock created by energy. It is when a powerful energy surge flows through your being for a short time with the purpose of cleansing your being and awakening your entire being, aligning you to a new light empowered consciousness. This specifically works with the mind and the influence of the mind upon the entire being, ensuring that the mind influences your being in light empowering ways.
There are so many more insights we could share with you. However, we feel we have shared the most important at this time. You may wish to be aware that we, the Council of Sirius are also supporting the repairing of Mother Earth’s auric field and her reconnection to the inner planes as well as the cleansing of the water within the body of Mother Earth and all upon the Earth.
Our love and support are with you always,
The Council of Sirius