Friday, 27 April 2018

Cosmic Alignment by Mahatma

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 27th April 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and cosmic blessings extend through my being from all that is the Creator; I am Mahatma, the logos and overseer of the Cosmic Level. I am a consciousness and expression of the Creator which exists in 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe. In many ways, I represent the journey of all aspects of the Creator returning to the Creator.
The Cosmic Level embodies the Creator’s energy of simplicity, power, unison and harmony. It is within the Cosmic Level that a simple, pure and clear view and understanding of the Creator can be experienced. There is no illusion within the Cosmic Level only the truth of the Creator; this also means that there are fewer souls of light in existence on the Cosmic Level because when souls reach the Cosmic Level their greatest desire and intention is to merge fully with the Creator. To do so is to let go of any form of identity, this is prepared for as a soul ascends through the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi Universal and then enters the Cosmic Level. Beings within the Cosmic Level generally have a purpose and role in aiding the ascension process; there is very little learning to be achieved within the Cosmic Level because the concept of the Cosmic Level is that you simply become and embody the Creator completely. The greatest purpose of the Cosmic level is to distribute the will and divine plan of the Creator. The energy of the Creator is received, deciphered and formed into the purest intention which is then distributed to each level of the Creator’s Universe. As the Cosmic Logos, I Mahatma, am able to distribute the intentions of the Creator into all levels of the Creator’s Universe. The energy gifted through the Cosmic Level instigates all the major ascension shifts, ascension downloads and activations which take place for all.
I, Mahatma, have come forth to you today to share with you an intention which has been formed within the Cosmic Level and is being instigated now throughout the entire Universe of the Creator. The intention created is of an activation taking place within each soul in order to recognise, realise and embody a more defined alignment with the Cosmic Level. The activation awakens a greater sensitivity to the presence of the Cosmic Level, in fact, the entire Universe of the Creator, as well as to the intentions created and delivered through the Cosmic Level. This will have a deeply profound influence on your being and will be received in three stages. The first stage is a Cosmic cleanse, the second is alignment to and greater awareness of the Cosmic Levels, and the third is a deeper understanding of the intentions and divine will of the Creator for you and the Earth. The overall outcome is of experiencing a deeper sense of the Creator within your being and a feeling of deeply belonging to the Universe of the Creator.
Cosmic Cleanse
The intention as delivered from the Creator through the Cosmic Level has a specific purpose of activating the magic of the Cosmic Level within all beings, such as the purest qualities of simplicity, power, unison and harmony. The powerful cleansing and purifying energies of the Cosmic Level first penetrates your being moving through the higher aspects of your being, into your soul group, into your soul and emerging into your energy bodies and physical body. This deep cleansing, in fact, comes from within your being transmitting high vibrations of light throughout you, merging into your surroundings and reality as well. The qualities of simplicity, power, unison and harmony are enhanced and empowered within your being while your energy vibration rises to allow you to more easily accept the presence of the divine within and around you.
You may wish to use this invocation to directly receive the Cosmic intention and cleansing which begins your Cosmic Alignment:
‘Mahatma, I call upon your pure presence to envelop me in your light and truth. It is my deepest desire to receive the three-stage Cosmic Alignment Intention as created by the Creator and delivered forth by the Cosmic Level. Mahatma assist me in receiving the first stage of Cosmic cleansing delivered to me from the Cosmic Level through my soul group and soul into my physical presence upon the Earth. As I receive this activation of light pulsating throughout my being, allow me to experience a deep and thorough cleansing of all aspects of my being, aligning me more fully to the Cosmic Level. I allow the sacred qualities of simplicity, power, unison and harmony to be empowered within my being as I become intimately aware of these qualities within my being, expressing through me and creating my reality. May any negativity, blockages or limitations be erased that are hindering my pure alignment with the Cosmic Level and my ability to receive fully the cleansing being shared with me. I am open to receive fully now, knowing that the Cosmic Cleansing is for my highest good and will allow me to feel healthier, happier and more connected to the divine than ever before. The process of my Cosmic Cleansing is easy, effortless and pleasant for me to experience. And so, it is.’
Allow yourself to sit peacefully focused upon your Higher Heart Chakra between your Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra. Imagine, sense or acknowledge a light at your Higher Heart Chakra getting brighter and brighter, until it is blazing throughout your being. When the Cosmic cleansing light fills your entire being allow yourself to repeat silently for as long as feel appropriate:
 ‘I am a complete embodiment of simplicity, power, unison and harmony, I rejuvenate my alignment with the Cosmic Level.’
Alignment to and Greater Awareness of the Cosmic Level
The Cosmic Intention being delivered forth activates a greater alignment with the Cosmic Level resulting in your enhanced awareness of the Cosmic Levels. It is from the Cosmic Levels that the pathway to ascension, the ascension shifts and in truth all aspects of spiritual evolution are born. There are very few souls who can exist upon the Earth with an awareness of and understanding of the Cosmic Level, the simplicity of the Cosmic Level and unison of all things is hard for the human mind to contemplate. However, an awareness of the energy of the Cosmic Level can be experience as well as an awareness of the influence and guidance of the Cosmic Level. To recognise the Cosmic Level from a human existence is to recognise the pure divinity of the Creator within your being and all, with this experience, so you are tapping into the presence and purpose of the Cosmic Level.
The Cosmic Level can be accessed through the centre of your Higher Heart Chakra, you may ask to visit during your meditation the Cosmic Level Chamber within your Higher Heart Chakra, this is direct access to the Cosmic Level through your soul and soul group. Entering into your Cosmic Level Chamber within your Higher Heart Chakra with the intention of receiving the Cosmic Level Alignment Activation will allow you to experience a deeper connection with the Cosmic Level while allowing your senses and awareness to be enhanced.
‘I ask that my awareness now penetrates the Cosmic Level Chamber within my Higher Heart Chakra. I invite my awareness to rest within this chamber for as long as is appropriate and needed to materialise and embody a greater alignment with the Cosmic Level for me as well as an increase in my awareness of the Cosmic Level. Let this materialise for me in the most appropriate and fulfilling way. Thank you.’
Rest with awareness and observation in your Cosmic Level Chamber within your Higher Heart Chakra for as long as feels appropriate.
A Deeper Understanding of the Cosmic Intentions of Alignment
In the final aspect of the Cosmic Intention Activation of Alignment coming forth from the Cosmic Level, you will be able to access a deeper understanding of the intentions delivered by the Cosmic Level and the divine will of the Creator for you. This is to recognise the guidance flowing to you from the Cosmic Level and the Universe of the Creator. The Cosmic Level is constantly communicating with you. Therefore all aspects of your ability to communicate especially spiritually will be enhanced and developed. Communicating is a process of receiving and expressing, both require you to respect, honour and value all aspects of your being. The Cosmic Level will encourage you in the coming days and weeks to enhance and recognise your true respect, honour and value all aspects of your being; you will be invited to turn inward to experience this. The energies delivered to you will activate your inner self-respect, honour and value.  I, Mahatma, invite you to ask to be transported to my Cosmic Level Ashram where I will send Cosmic energies into your being while I invite you to recite, ‘I now fully accept my inner self-respect, honour and value.’
Call me, Mahatma, forth often to fully ground the Cosmic energies into your being and align you with the Cosmic Level.
My cosmic blessings are with you,
Mahatma Cosmic Logos



Friday, 20 April 2018

Recognising, Upgrading and Embodying Your Soul’s Contracts by Master Kuthumi

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 20th April 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I am Master Kuthumi, the World Teacher at a Planetary Level alongside Master Sananda. My purpose is to demonstrate and remind all souls that it is through the embodiment of love that wisdom can be accessed. You may wish to visit me during your sleep state or meditation within my ashram upon Sirius at the University of Ascended Masters. I am available to explore any subject or topic with you to aid your spiritual evolution, there is simply a need for you to make your request clearly to me and we can begin our work together.
I, Master Kuthumi, come forth to you today to highlight a stage of ascension which is dawning and requires your attention and observation. Throughout numerous lifetimes upon the Earth and the inner planes, your soul has created many contracts and agreements to aid your ascension, the ascension of the Universe and the greater union of all with the Creator. Some of these contracts are achieved easily and effortlessly creating the necessary activations within your being, in these cases the commitments, and the energy connected to the contract dissolves instantly. In other cases, the contract spans across lifetimes and even civilisations, taking a great deal of effort to be completed. Each contract is akin to a promise made by your soul; often these promises can be found in the Akashic Records on the inner planes; an archive of the experiences and wisdom of all souls. The promises of your soul are often made with souls who incarnate on the Earth, Mother Earth, an Ascended Master, Archangel, Angel, your community of guides and so forth. These contracts are not to bind you together, nor are they to torture or pressurise you into pathways you do not wish to follow. The purpose of your soul creating an energetic contract is to set an intention that acts as a guiding light to your soul’s fulfilment. You have the option not to complete the contract once it is made, this decision comes from your soul rather than your personality. Your soul will choose contracts with other souls or beings of light to create the deepest learning and fulfilment possible and available to you. Sometimes your personality may see this as a burden or hardship even if your conscious mind is not aware of the contracts of your soul. However, the process of your personality letting go and trusting your soul is an aspect of the experiences wished for by your soul.
The Current Ascension Wave
Some soul contracts were created so many civilisations ago, and yet their energy remains within your being uncompleted. In the current stage of ascension which humanity is advancing through, the energy waves anchoring are bringing to the conscious awareness of many their soul contracts. This stage of ascension has a specific purpose of allowing the individual to discover more about themselves and the journey their soul has taken to this moment. It is also an opportunity for a deep cleansing and purification of your being. Some contracts simply need to be observed in order to be completed and embodied; others merely need to be released as they are no longer relevant, while some need to be rejuvenated and upgraded in order to serve your current reality and existence.  The main purpose of the Creator bringing to your attention your soul’s contracts is so that you can experience a renewal of your being and pathway upon the Earth, energising your spiritual growth and direction so you may be of service with power and vigour. Your spiritual evolution has progressed so far that no longer can you hold onto energies that do not serve you and no longer can you be unaware of the pathway your soul so readily guides you upon.
Your community of guides are calling forth specific Ascended Masters to work with you in this matter; it could be likened to sifting through an old box of photographs, remembrance dawns while you also cast aside anything that no longer has meaning to you. During meditation or quiet time, you can ask your community of guides to share with you which Ascended Masters they have called upon to work with you. With divine timing they will reveal to you whom you can call upon to assist the healing, erasing, rejuvenation and upgrade of your soul’s contracts. If you are unable to discover the Ascended Masters working with you, you can still call upon them to assist you.
On the inner planes within the University of Ascended Masters upon Sirius, a large beacon has been created and a new chamber to house the beacon. The chamber has been named, ‘The Chamber of Soul Contract Renewal,’ and the beacon has been labelled, ‘The Beacon of Soul Contract Enrichment.’ The beacon is of a deep blue colour and holds the purpose of erasing contracts that no longer serve you; it also has the purpose of rejuvenating and upgrading contracts. You are invited to sit within, ‘The Beacon of Soul Contract Enrichment,’ any contract that comes to your awareness can be released to the beacon to be permanently erased. The beacon will erase the energy of the contract from your being. While sitting within the beacon you may become aware of contracts which are still relevant and require to be upgraded or energised. In this case, as you exist within the blue beacon hold the contract and your focus within your soul, ask for a direct link and synthesis of the highest Creator light to merge with the contract and aid the necessary transformation. As you observe or acknowledge the process, so you will become aware of how the contract has transformed, its influence and synthesis with your entire being to aid embodiment.
Which Contracts Do You Erase, and Which Do You Upgrade?
Your soul and the Ascended Masters your community of guides have called upon will support you in understanding the contracts which require to be released and those needing to be energised. The contracts may come into your awareness as a limiting belief, thought pattern or behaviour that you continue to repeat. You may be aware of how you support someone in your life often only to find that they harm or limit you in some way. This is an opportunity to allow some people to leave your life and other relationships to be healed. Pains in your body may be from contracts that have expired and need to be let go of. Limiting situations can also be from contracts that no longer serve.
You will notice a contract that remains true or has been rejuvenated because you will feel inspired and expanded in your energy with a sense of fulfilment or desire to take action. As contracts are rejuvenated so you may receive guidance, new abilities awakening, remembrance or wisdom rising into your conscious awareness. You may also discover yourself making new contracts consciously to aid your fulfilment.
It is important to know that your soul’s contacts will be erased or rejuvenated whether you actively take part in the process or not. It is an aspect of ascension taking place now for all. There are of course benefits to directing your conscious awareness to focus upon and explore your soul’s transformation as you will learn more about yourself and soul, creating a deeper connection with your soul.
‘I call upon the Ascended Masters who have been chosen by my community of guides to oversee the transformation of my soul’s contracts. Please draw close to me and surround me with your light, love and support. It is my wish to be consciously aware in the most appropriate way for me of the transformation my soul is now moving through. Please help me to become aware of contracts created by my soul that now need to be released. Assist me in releasing these contracts consciously or unconsciously to ‘The Beacon of Soul Contract Enrichment,’ with ease and perfection. Help me to become aware of my soul’s contracts that require to be rejuvenated and upgraded within ‘The Beacon of Soul Contract Enrichment,’ whether consciously or unconsciously to assist me in experiencing the positive influence of the transformation within my being. Support me in remaining balanced and at peace through the entire process, thank you.’
In love and wisdom always,
Master Kuthumi

Friday, 6 April 2018

Moving through the Veils of Illusion by Archangel Uriel

Moving through the Veils of Illusion by Archangel Uriel
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 6th April 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love extend from my heart to yours; I am Archangel Uriel, I am the guardian of Angelic Wisdom and an activator of remembrance of the Creator within all. This is often why I am referred to as the wisest of Archangels; it is due to my ability to activate wisdom within others, bringing it to their conscious awareness. My role and purpose in the ascension process is becoming greater and more involved as many people upon the Earth are consciously choosing and asking to remember the Creator and the truth held within their sacred soul. A great awakening of remembrance is dawning; there is a desire, a calling and a passion that is growing. Souls upon the Earth are preparing to move through their inner veils of illusions and recollect their inner truth. Souls are seeking the illumination and enlightenment they once recognised within their being.
Many souls are calling upon me, Archangel Uriel, because they are disappointed with the illusions within them and around them. They are disappointed with the way of the world, the seemingly slow process of spiritual evolution they are moving through and their feelings of being unable to serve with their current understanding and abilities. I am answering your prayers, I, Archangel Uriel, am bringing forth a wave of energy to assist you in moving through your inner illusions to be liberated and accept your inner remembrance of the Creator. My purpose is to begin to release and heal the veils of illusion which have been obscuring your view of the Creator and yourself as an expression of the Creator. With my support, you will be able to see through and beyond illusions, recognising them as limitations rather than truth or fact.
How to Recognise an Illusion?
An illusion is an impression that has become real and fully present within your being, perceptions or reality. Everything you know within your being, thoughts and reality was once an impression, as energy was added so the impression becomes real, almost taking on a life of its own. Many of the beliefs you have about yourself are simply impressions downloaded from the consciousness of humanity or past experiences. Everything you believe to be true is, in fact, a creation. Therefore it can be transformed, altered and shifted. Illusions often limit you and create boundaries which maintain you in a certain space, mindset, reality and pattern of creation. To recognise an illusion is to realise that an illusion does not allow you to grow. Instead, it diminishes your power and grounded presence in the world. An illusion is most often something you have either created or accepted as truth and real.
When you have the awareness to recognise a behaviour, belief or perception as an illusion, then you begin to see through and beyond the illusion. A question arises within you which invites you to replace the illusion with something which invigorates, inspires and awakens you to the truth of the Creator. It is as if the veils are removed, and you are able to see, sense or acknowledge what has always been present, which is the truth of the Creator in all its beautiful forms.  You make space for a new realisation to dawn.
It is my purpose to support you in becoming aware of the many illusions hindering your connection with and remembrance of the Creator. As you call upon me, Archangel Uriel, I will serve you in this way, then bringing forth your inner light with greater power for you to bathe in and embody, absorbing the truth that has always been present waiting to serve you.
Due to the many ascension waves of light and consciousness anchoring into the Earth many people are glimpsing, if only for a moment, their truth. They see, sense or acknowledge themselves beyond doubt, fear, judgment, suffering and failure. Instead many see, sense and acknowledge without ego that they are loved, supported, valued, accepted, successful and can experience fulfilment. This realisation in itself is healing and fortifying, creating space for the divine to be present and transformation to take place. Once the truth of self and Creator merged as one within your physical body is realised, then a journey begins of embodying your truth permanently upon the Earth. This is a cycle of remembrance; it is often not instantaneous. Instead, it is an experience of subtle recall over a period of time. Taking place in this way so as not to overload your systems.
Receiving Archangel Uriel’s Support
I, Archangel Uriel, invite you to receive a special healing and energy download within the Angelic Chamber of Beyond Illusions within the Angelic Kingdom. I will be present, inviting you to sit within a golden silver star tetrahedron, which is two triangular pyramids, one with its point facing upwards and the other with its point facing downwards. As you sit within the centre of this golden, silver sacred geometry shape, light will extend downwards and upwards from the points and passing through the centre of your being. The light of the golden silver star tetrahedron is composed of my energy, Archangel Uriel, allow the light to merge with and through your being.
Take the attention of your mind first to your soul star chakra. I, Archangel Uriel, will begin to pour golden, silver and white light into this chakra until you feel it expand.
Then take the attention of your mind to your earth star chakra below your feet, I will again send my energy into this chakra until it expands. The purpose of this practice is to begin to clear illusions and create space for light as if we are creating freedom and flexibility within your entire being to promote necessary transformation. You may feel now the light of the star tetrahedron intensifying and moving throughout your entire being with greater ease.
I, Archangel Uriel, will now gift you with my light of wisdom, truth and remembrance of the Creator. Imagine, sense or acknowledge I, Archangel Uriel, existing before you. I begin to blend my energy with yours, especially with your third eye chakra, causal chakra at the back of your head and your crown chakra. I am downloading new wisdom, energy and truth as if creating space for divine inspiration to anchor.
I, Archangel Uriel, then blend my energy with your feet chakras, root chakra, sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra, this process is removing illusions that are no longer needed, alerting you to illusions that require to be let go of, while also preparing you for seeing, sensing and experiencing beyond illusion. During this part of my healing with you, you may begin to realise illusions that require your attention dawning, or this may come at a later date. Simply observe any insights that arise acknowledge them and then let them pass.
I now surround you with a golden, silver rainbow light which I swirl around your entire being. This further activates the star tetrahedron you are sitting in, it begins to spin as guided by me, Archangel Uriel. It is important for you to hold your focus in your heart chakra, imagining, acknowledging yourself existing beyond illusions and moving through the veils of illusions to recognise and be reconnected with your truth and the light of the Creator. The rainbow light is my ascension wave which is supporting your being in awakening and remembering the Creator. Please remain in this space for as long as you feel is appropriate and needed.
When you are ready, take time to observe and acknowledge every part of your being and body as a way of grounding, embodying the healing and awakening I have shared with you.
Continue to call upon my energies each day for the coming days, inviting me, Archangel Uriel, to be present with you, assisting you in becoming aware of illusions and seeing through illusions to recognise and embody your truth. My healing and awakening is available to you whenever you feel guided to experience it.

With angelic wisdom, love and support,
Archangel Uriel