Friday, 25 May 2018

Imprinting Love into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity by Archangel Michael

Imprinting Love into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity by Archangel Michael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson -  25th May 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
You are a sacred spiritual being connected to all that is loving and divine in the Universe of the Creator. You are the source of all healing and change in your life for yourself, past and future generations. You have the ability to gather information, ideas and behaviour patterns from your own physical body and energetic field. All you need to know to heal your past lives and generational timelines is within you now waiting to be discovered. You have the ability to free all who have come before you and all of your past lifetimes of the burdens, limitations and suffering they carried and you now store as information within your being. Resulting in freedom and liberation within your being and reality as well as the same for generations to come.
Whether you believe yourself to be a spiritual being existing in a human body or not, you are upon the Earth now to explore the positive impact you can imprint into your life and the lives of others.  A sacred, special and divine love exists within us all. Our inner love is healing, uplifting, transformational and shares profound wisdom with us from beyond the earthly realities.  This love can be glimpsed in romantic relationships, parent child relationships, friendships, animal bonds and compassion for others. However, the powerful and sacred love within you is far more expansive and abundant than this. Imagine the love you share with others and multiply it a thousand times, you would still not come close to the bountiful expression of love that is your truth and essence.
What is Love?
Love is a word that is used to describe a feeling, sensation, and experience within you which can be expressed and manifested into your outside world. When you experience love emanating from your being you may feel happy, content, radiant, blissful, safe and so forth. Recognising and focusing on the sacred love you embody allows you to experience expansion, healing, enlightenment, radiant health and a feeling of being connected to everyone on the Earth and throughout the Universe of the Creator. Love at an earthly level describes your relationships with yourself and others. When you expand your understanding of love you begin to access and grasp your eternal relationship with the Creator/ Universe/God/ Source/All That Is, in truth your sacred existence beyond your physical body.
It is you as a sacred expansive infinite being/soul/source/essence that requires your exploration. This will assist you in understanding and remembering the power you hold and how you can transform yourself, loved ones and the world through exploring all that is within your being. It is your recognition of the abundance of love within your being which will open you up to knowing yourself more fully, guiding you to make the necessary changes in your energy, perceptions, core vibration and reality. When you are aligned with and are expressing the love within your being you are connected to every human being of your past, present, and future, the infinite wisdom and knowledge beyond illusions which is actively ready for all to download. You are connected to the healing vibrations which allow you to heal and repair your body as well as a constant unbreakable support that wishes for you to experience only good in your life.
It is often the limitations of your mind which cause you to be unable to recognise the infinite power, connection and support you have in every moment of your life. Your mind has been programmed by past generations, fears, suffering and the limitations placed into the realities of all. You may have been taught to look outside of yourself for help, that you are never good enough, you always have to work hard for what you want and life isn’t fulfilling. All of this creates blocks and illusions in your mind which cause you to be distracted from your truth, who you really are, your powers and what you are capable of. Essentially you are being distracted from experiencing fulfilment in your life by illusions and false perceptions placed within your mind. This is not your fault. The experiences of your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and even further back, previous generations and civilisations, have all supported and created the thoughts, beliefs, fears, anxieties, limitations, illusions and negative habits you experience today. Your gifts, talents and beautiful qualities may also extend from your family line, previous generations, and civilisations. You are a product of everyone before you, as well as the unresolved experiences and successes of your past lifetimes. After your birth as you grew and observed daily life on the Earth, you accepted the general perspective that all of humanity hold. Your learning as a child seemed normal and essential to living on the Earth, and yet you were simply accepting perspectives while programming your mind to see the world around you in the same way that others do.
Your soul, essence or love energy knew when it chose to enter the earthly reality that it would have to adopt numerous influences, some limiting, others empowering. The abundant love within you had many ideas and passions it wished to experience and fulfil in its life, that is why you chose your parents and their ancestral line because the appropriate limitations, as well as empowerments, would be imprinted into your being to propel you forth in exploring your ideas, passions, and purpose every day. When choosing your parents before your birth you took into account the healing and transformation you could create for your parents and ancestors. The healing and release of limitations or fears was precisely aligned to the passions and missions of your soul/ love energy. Not only could you achieve the dreams and desires of your divine self, you could heal and discontinue the growing momentum of negative behaviour patterns, limitations, illness, suffering, fear and so much more. This would take place through your inner healing, discovery, and observation. You then can create new patterns, perceptions, and liberation for coming generations.
Source of Healing
You are the source of healing in your life now, you are in the right place at the right time to assist the creation of generations who are born without negative imprinting from their parents, ancestors, previous generations, civilisations and maybe even past lifetimes. You have the ability to assist souls in being born free to explore the truth, divinity and loving powers of their being without having to release the burdens held within the collective consciousness of humanity. Your healing source is the bountiful light and consciousness of love that exists within you in this very moment. The greatest energy and belief that requires to be erased is the disempowerment of love and the source of love within you. The more you empower, energise and encourage the radiance of love from your being into the world, the quicker the power of love and the realisation of the power of love will be restored within all of humanity. You are the source of healing for your own existence and the liberation of others. Your healing vibration is your love, when you fully trust, engage with and believe in the power, transformational qualities and strength of love.
Awakening Love to transform the Earth
·         Begin by connecting your conscious awareness with the source of love within your being. Feel, sense, acknowledge the energy of love pouring from your heart chakra and higher heart chakra into your entire being.
·         Call forth 12 forms or people to stand behind and to the side of you who represent your parents and ancestors, previous generations and civilisations of the Earth as well as past or simultaneous lifetimes. So, it is as if every being who has existed on the Earth is present with you in these 12 forms or people.
·         Call upon all the Archangels to stand before you and emanate the power of love which they channel through their beings from the core of love and power of the Creator. Receive the angelic vibrations of the power of love into every aspect of your being, especially into your heart chakra and higher heart chakra. The love present within your heart chakra and higher heart chakra will be illuminated and will magnify, beginning to blaze in all directions.
·         Send the vibrations of love you are recognising within your being to the back of your heart chakra and higher heart chakra, being exuded out the back of your body, penetrating the 12 gathered behind and to the side of you.
·         Continue to share love, you are a bountiful source of love, until you feel, sense or acknowledge the 12 gathered have absorbed all the love they require to transform.
·         Invite the Archangels present with you to gift the imprints and templates of love and the power of love into your heart chakra and higher heart chakra. Take a moment to absorb them for yourself then deliver the imprints and templates of love and the power of love into the 12 gathered that represent every soul who has existed upon the Earth and added to the consciousness of humanity of today. As they receive so they begin to transform, becoming powerful beacons of light and blazing love in all directions.
·         Request or state the intention that you invite all to accept the power of their love and the bountiful love flowing from the Creator. Ask all to realise themselves as a source of healing, therefore emanating love to heal and energetic uplift all situations, experiences and circumstances created in their realities, whatever time or in whichever civilisation they exist. Each soul represented by the 12 gathered, begins to cleanse their experiences with love. It is as if limitations and negativity from all who have existed before you or in a simultaneous lifetimes are being erased and every soul is returning to their original purpose and consciousness imprinting love, for all to benefit from. Enjoy and explore the transformation occurring as you also observe the shifts occurring within your own being.
With the power of love,
Archangel Michael

Friday, 18 May 2018

Awakening Enlightenment by the Celestial White Beings

Awakening Enlightenment by the Celestial White Beings
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 18th May 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings to you magnificent beings of light, we honour and love you in this moment and always. Our purpose is to awaken the bliss of the Creator within you, to encourage you to move into the natural vibrations of love of your being and beyond, embodying the bliss of the Creator. To embody the bliss of the Creator is to experience the liberation, ecstasy, and peace of all that is the Creator. In doing so you are as one with the Creator, all separation dissolves and you see yourself as an integrated consciousness with the awareness and realisation of the Creator. To seek bliss within your being and within others is a beautiful goal, however, to realise you are an embodiment of bliss is a far more rewarding experience. It is through an embodiment of love that the source of bliss within you can be accessed. Bliss is your inner happiness, magic and the perfection of the Creator, it is healing, awakening, transformational and uplifting.
We, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to rest your attention within the source of unconditional love within your being. As you rest in this most sacred aspect of yourself which unites you as one with the Creator, we invite you to breathe deeper into love with the intention of becoming as one with the vibration of love within your being. As you practice this, there will come a moment when there is a surge of energy which fills your entire being, it could be likened to excitement erupting through your being. This will be you connecting with the presence of bliss within your being, uniting your consciousness with the Creator and experiencing the pleasure of union with the Creator. This practice can be achieved often, in doing so it will gain momentum and power within your being, enhancing your experience of love, bliss, and divine union with the Creator. You may find that your understanding of who you are as a spiritual being develops as well as your awareness of and link to the Creator.
The vibration of bliss is immensely healing as it holds the codes, templates, and blueprints of the Creator’s truth and the truth of the Creator. When you call upon our energies, the Celestial White Beings to download into your being and support your ascension, we will always share with you the energy of bliss and activate bliss within your being. Thus, we are activating codes, templates, and blueprints of truth which will awaken knowingness, remembrance, and clarity within all aspects of your being. This enables illusion to dissolve and a clearer understanding of yourself and the Creator to develop. In truth, the vibration of bliss restores and reactivates your alignment with the Creator within your entire being.
Shift into the Perception of Your Enlightenment
Bliss is the vibration and frequency that many souls experience as they truly awaken to the Creator; they describe the experience as enlightenment. Enlightenment is an embodiment and experience that many souls progressing along their spiritual pathways seek. The quest for enlightenment becomes so intense and important that they forget they are already an embodiment of enlightenment. They also forget to realise that each awakening and self or Creator realisation that occurs on their pathway to enlightenment is the presence of enlightenment residing within them. It is very rare that enlightenment is embodied like a lightning bolt, instead, enlightenment is your companion revealing itself to you slowly and surely with each moment of your life. When you recognise enlightenment as your companion gradually awakening within you rather than an experience you seek, your perception of your enlightenment and spiritual evolutions alters. Thus, your experience of your physical reality, spiritual growth, and union with the Creator shifts to a space of truth rather than illusion. It is often that even within your spiritual evolution illusion can be present, this allows the mind to grasp concepts which cannot be explained, the mind always wishes to understand and yet this isn’t always the way of spiritual evolution. To know, trust and hold focus offers a far greater union with the Creator, as to understand encourages you to delve deeper into illusion, trying to liken the Creator to your personality. The more you recognise and embody vibrations and frequencies of the Creator, so the illusion can disappear as a connection and union has been made, allowing awakening to continue with less illusion.
Many souls believe that enlightenment is to understand the Universe of the Creator. This is not the case, enlightenment is to know yourself as a soul existing in a physical reality and as an aspect of the Creator. It is this awareness which liberates your being, creates fulfilment and happiness. However, your fulfilment and happiness are already within your being and do not require the experience of enlightenment to be activated or embodied.  
The Awakening of Enlightenment
The energy we, the Celestial White Beings, are distributing now, especially to the Earth, is to support the awakening of enlightenment. We are gifting pockets of light from the core of our energy to those who wish to receive. The pockets of our energy will hold the vibrations of bliss, the codes, templates, and blueprints of bliss as well as our pure consciousness and wisdom. Our pockets of energy can be received into your Soul Star Chakra to synthesis with your soul and entire being, or they can be received directly into your soul to synthesis at a deep level and filter throughout your being. You can receive as many pockets of energy to awaken enlightenment as you feel is appropriate. Each pocket of our energy holds the same vibrations and consciousness, however, the more you download the energy the more it activates and awakens your inner enlightenment, as well as your realisation of enlightenment.  
To receive the pocket of awakening enlightenment in your Soul Star Chakra:
‘Celestial White Beings, please bring forth to me your pockets of awakening enlightenment. I choose to receive this sacred energy and awakening within my Soul Star Chakra. May the energy fill my Soul Star Chakra merging with the presence of my soul and distributing throughout my being at a physical and energetic level. May the energy of bliss penetrate my being, awakening the presence of bliss already within me. Let me bathe in the vibrations of bliss, feeling the benefits and upliftment of this sacred energy. In receiving the pocket of energy and light from the Celestial White Beings, I allow myself to realise, awaken and embody my unique energy of enlightenment within me. I allow myself to rest and bathe in my inner enlightenment recognising it fully. Celestial White Beings please support me, awaken my inner clarity and ability to see, sense and acknowledge the truth. Thank you.’
To receive the pocket of awakening enlightenment directly into your Soul:
‘Celestial White Beings, please bring forth to me your pockets of awakening enlightenment. I choose to receive this sacred energy and awakening directly into my soul. May the energy of the Celestial White Beings synthesis with my soul creating a shift and awakening at the very core of my being. Let this shift vibrate throughout my entire being moving subtly and easily, connecting as one with all that I am. The enlightenment of my soul stirs from the core of my being and penetrates my entire being, divinely influencing and inspiring me to more fully realise the divine consciousness and awareness I embody. Through the synthesis of the pocket of awakening enlightenment with my soul, I experience a deeper connection and unite with my soul, understanding all that I AM. Celestial White Beings please support me, awaken my inner clarity and ability to see, sense and acknowledge the truth. Thank you.’
Simply take time to observe and experience the process unfolding within your being. It is possible to use both invocations on separate occasions as they offer a different level of embodiment. The first brings enlightenment and awakening into your physical body and awareness, the second allows a deeper connection with your soul and an activation of enlightenment from the core of your being, while still experiencing embodiment at all levels of your being.
In bliss always,
The Celestial White Beings

Friday, 11 May 2018

The Era of Remembrance by the Unicorn Consciousness

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 11th May 2018 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, we are the Unicorn Consciousness, we bring our love and blessings to you and bathe you in the purity of our light. Our vibration is similar to that of the Angelic Kingdom. It is our purpose to serve and to support a deeper connection and remembrance of the Creator. Like the Angelic Kingdom we are powerful healers, share wisdom, inspiration and sacred knowledge as well as aligning you with the purity of your being and essence. Our mission at this time is to support the manifestation of the Era of Remembrance upon the Earth and within the ascension processes of lightworkers. Since 2012 humanity has been existing within the Era of Love, every activation, ascension shift, healing, awakening and enlightenment experience has been focused on love. The Era of Love is an energy wave and level of growth which has an intention and purpose as it grounds into the Earth and humanity. The purpose of the Era of Love is to aid self-love, connection to and embodiment of unconditional love, perceptions born from love and expression of pure love. You may recognise that many challenges, growth processes, awakenings and healings may have been connected to the purpose of the Era of Love.
Some souls upon the Earth are already embodying the purpose of the Era of Love, for them, their focus now is to experience life as love and with love. Others are focused on embodying the purpose of the Era of Love, perfecting their ability to love themselves and to be the love of the Creator upon the Earth. The level of your spiritual growth and whether you have embodied the Era of Love or not does not depend on how wise or evolved your soul is. Instead, it is the more risks you have taken in your past and past lifetimes to expand into being love and sharing love that means it can be more challenging to embody love. When you take risks to evolve, expand and share love further than your comfort zone you can experience the supreme love of the Creator or pain through rejection or fear. So, it can be that those who find it challenging to embody love and be love are the ones who are travelled the spiritual pathway the furthest and have experienced the most. An interesting thought is that those who are advanced in their ascension now and leading others forth in the light may not be the advanced souls, instead, they could be the souls who have journeyed less on the Earth and have less to heal. The souls who have yet to advance spiritually or even awaken may be the advanced souls as they have taken more on to work through and resolve spiritually, therefore need more time. We are not saying that this is the same for all, however, it is wonderful to shift perceptions as this allows you to let go of the ego, expand your awareness and allow the truth of the Creator to flow into your being with greater strength and power.
The Era of Remembrance
There is no defined line between experiencing the Era of Love and the Era of Remembrance, they are waves of light and consciousness that overlap. The more love you embody and realise within your being the more you activate and light up your memory of the truth of the Creator. The embodiment of love supports your remembrance, so even if you awaken love within your being in a small way you will be igniting remembrance of yourself and the Creator to the same proportions.
The purpose of the Era of Remembrance is to activate your inner knowledge, awaken wisdom you have collected from other lifetimes and reconnect you with the wisdom of your soul and soul group. It will serve you in remembering other lifetimes and bringing forth healing as well as rediscovering soul connections and relationships. Remembrance is connected to seeing, sensing and experiencing yourself and the Earth without illusion or limitations, this is a gradual process that can be experienced as insights or glimpses of enlightenment.
Often souls feel lost and uncertain in their reality upon the Earth, they feel they do not know why they are present, what they should be doing, how they should be helping others or even what creates fulfilment in their lives. There are often many questions which go unanswered and seem to leave a void which hinders self-acceptance and self-understanding. It is the purpose of the Era of Remembrance to reconnect you with your inner wisdom, intuition and communication with the Creator in order to fill the void and answer the questions which seem impossible to answer. This experience is likened to regaining your inner power while others see it as advancing spiritually and evolving your senses. However, it manifests within your reality, the presence and influence of the Era of Remembrance awakening within you will be a gradual and even subtle process, that could even be unnoticed by some, as instead, they see themselves advancing in intellect.
Spiritual growth and ascension is a process of unfolding and expanding who you really are, the truth of the Creator. It is a process that occurs within your being with multiple shifts and transformations occurring at multiple times. Often these shifts and transformations go unnoticed, especially if your focus is outside of you in your reality. Even through the experience of numerous shifts you may still feel the same. When an ascension shift occurs, it may take days or even weeks to integrate fully into your being, this means that you are likely to not even notice. When you look back at your experiences over a year ago, it is then that you may realise the progression that has been made. It is because of the subtle nature of transformation that many adopt the perspective that they are not growing spiritual or advancing even though they practice meditation and so forth. They cannot see what is so close to them, they cannot recognise the transformations because they are not as explosive or impactful as they believe they should be.
With the embodiment of the Era of Remembrance so comes an awareness of the shifts taking place within your being and a greater understanding of the ascension process you are moving through. Love already ignites contentment and acceptance; however, the Era of Remembrance develops this further encouraging a deep-seated feeling of being supported by the Creator and the Universe of the Creator. Remembrance in truth is a realisation of self as the Creator in embodiment on the Earth and the inner planes.
Meditation Practice to Prepare for Acceptance and Embodiment of the Era of Remembrance
It is with observation of and connection with self that the acceptance and embodiment of the influence of the Era of Remembrance can be recognised and experienced fully.
·         First, shake or move parts of your body moving from your feet to your head, being aware of the sensation and feeling of your body.
·         Place your index and middle fingers of any hand on your brow at your third eye, breathe in deeply as if you are breathing in through your brow and exhale deeply through your brow. Feel your brow expand. Move your fingers to your heart chakra and practice the same, breathing in and out through your heart chakra. Feel your heart chakra expand.
·         Focus on breathing deeply, draw energy up through your feet as you inhale into your heart chakra. As you exhale, draw the energy from your heart chakra into your crown chakra. Repeat this until you feel centred.
·         Take a few moments to observe your body and being, imagine, sense or acknowledge you are scanning your being from below your feet to above your head simply being observant and accepting each area of your being.
·         Take the attention of your mind and third eye to your heart chakra and allow yourself to rest within your heart chakra breathing naturally.
·         When you are ready, ask yourself, ‘What is essential for me to observe, realise or be aware of now?’ You are asking your heart and soul to make you aware of any shifts, remembrance, healing that is required or anything else, that is taking place or has taken place within your being. Simply observe without expectation and accept anything that comes to your awareness. Even if it is subtle or a fleeting insight.
This practice will allow you to awaken your awareness and observation of yourself. Thus, allowing you to access and realise the presence and influence of the Era of Remembrance within you.
You may also wish to use this invocation to serve your connection to the Era of Remembrance:
‘Unicorn Kingdom, please align my entire being to the Era of Remembrance, let me receive the energy waves, divine influence and inspiration of the Era of Remembrance within my being. Fill my being with the love of the Creator, encourage me to recognise the abundant presence of love within me, therefore embodying the Era of Remembrance. And so, I am aligned.’
In loving joy, encouragement and expansion,
The Unicorn Consciousness

Friday, 4 May 2018

Peace of Mind by Lord Buddha

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 4th May 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I, Lord Buddha, extend my energy to you from my Planetary Logos Ashram on the inner planes where I sit surrounded by my Twelve Buddhas who support my role as overseer of the energies and souls in existence within the Planetary Levels. Together we download energy, light and consciousness from the Cosmic Level through the entire Universe of the Creator into the Planetary Level to distribute to the Earth and all souls upon the Earth. We are currently connecting with the Creator’s energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity with the purpose of anchoring these sacred qualities into the mental body of Mother Earth and the mental bodies of all souls upon the Earth. Through our process, we are cleansing thought forms, perspectives and mental habits which no longer serve souls accelerating upon their ascension pathway. We are directing our energy especially to those who are spiritually awake and are seeking to move through the levels of their ascension process. We wish to gift these sacred qualities and energies in order to serve you in accessing peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity within your mental body and your experience of your mind.
Why Does Your Mental Body Require Peace, Harmony, Tranquillity and Serenity?
I, Lord Buddha, dedicate my existence on the inner planes to supporting the inner happiness, peace and fulfilment of others by demonstrating what they seek is already an integrated presence within them. When you access your inner happiness, peace and fulfilment you are dancing in rhythm with the Creator, you are existing in the divine flow, receiving guidance and understanding the actions and reactions you create. It is my purpose to encourage souls to observe their existence from a space of meditation and observation within. Meditation is not only breathing deeply or following a technique, it is to be conscious of yourself on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This does not mean that you need to understand the transformation and reactions which take place within your being, instead be willing to observe, to accept and to decide whether that which you are observing serves you in connecting with the Creator on a deeper level.
Remember that there are no mistakes, even if you allow yourself to energise something that separates you from the Creator, you can easily cleanse your being, change your perspectives, ask for guidance and begin upon another pathway carrying greater wisdom and strength with you.
When you are in the habit of observing or meditating your existence as you move through your daily reality you naturally activate the energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity within your mental body and entire being. This means that you are able to experience the fullness of life rather than the challenges and suffering that many go through.  Peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity support the release of doubt, unneeded fears, judgment, unworthiness, stubbornness, blame, and the many energies that create chaos and upheaval within your being and reality. With negative chatter in the mind calmed and released through dissolving your attachment to its presence and influence so you will be able to focus with greater clarity on the essence of your soul, the guidance of your soul and the Creator. You begin to notice the beauty of the Creator and life moving through you. In consciously releasing your attachment to the presence and influence of the negative chatter within your mind, or to use another label your ego, you do not stop, ban or forbid it from being present inside your being, instead you set boundaries as to when negative chatter or the ego is appropriate and when it does not serve you. You take control and responsibility of your expression and existence upon the Earth. The energies and qualities of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity allow you to be balanced, experiencing equilibrium with your soul, the Creator and your ego. This is an essential key for all souls embarking upon ascension, in this current stage of ascension there is a need for balance within and with all aspects of your being. With balance, so you can be certain of the clarity and divine inspiration flowing through your being knowing that you are not being tainted by anything that limits your unison with the Creator. In truth it is a time of self-empowerment through alignment to the Creator, allowing your alignment to lovingly transform your being and reality on all levels.
What Is the Difference Between Peace and Silence in the Mind?
During your ascension process, you may hear of quietening the mind or thoughts, releasing the ego or experiencing the silence of the mind during meditation. Many people interpret this as releasing or removing all thoughts and all trace of the ego. They wish to experience silence in their mind and believe that this means complete silence or almost a sense of muting the mind, mental body and ego. To silence the mind and ego is not be taken literally. Your ego, thoughts and the reactions of your being to your reality whether negative or positive are a natural and needed aspect of your being, they were created for a reason, the same as your organs were. To silence the mind in many ways is not appropriate because you are denying a part of yourself in achieving what it is meant to. Creating peace within your mind, mental body and between you and your ego is far more appropriate. Peace is contentment, calmness, tranquillity and harmony, it is all aspects of your being loved, valued and working as a team in harmony. Often too much power is given to the ego, chattering mind and negative fears, when more power needs to be shared with your soul, intuition and loving heart. If power is given to your sacred self then the ego, mind and mental body back off and slot into the role they were designed to do, rather than trying to lead you through your reality.
To focus on silencing or muting the mind and ego will only cause a separation with yourself and could mean that you mute the divine inspiration flowing into your being. Your mind is gifted with divine inspiration through your causal chakra, if the mind is silenced completely then the divine inspiration cannot be received from the causal chakra.
As you walk your ascension pathway upon the Earth, one of the greatest lessons, (I, Lord Buddha, am aware that there are many) is acceptance of all aspects of your being. Acceptance allows for healing, transformation and balance to manifest within your being thus you become aware, awaken and sensitive to the presence of the Creator within and around you. Allow yourself to accept the habits of your mind or any aspect of your being. Accept these, and if you feel they require transformation, accept them and realise they are simply out of balance or not achieving the desired role within your being. Peace is your goal, it is also your natural existence. Peace will bring everything into balance and create the fullness and completeness of the Creator within your being and reality. Peace is every aspect of your being existing in balance and harmony; as all that is the Creator.
Downloading Peace of Mind
It is impossible to download peace of mind into your mind, mental body and ego. However, you can download the energies we are contemplating and sharing within the Planetary Logos Ashram. We invite you to receive the energies of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity that we are harnessing from the Creator and anchor these fully into your mind, mental body and ego in order to create balance, equilibrium and to restore power to where it is needed and required within your being.
‘Lord Buddha and the Twelve Buddhas of the Planetary Logos Ashram, I call your attention and focus to direct the energies you are contemplating now into my being. Please download the sacred qualities of peace, harmony, tranquillity and serenity into my being in order to activate the same qualities within me. Let this download and activation create within my being a greater awareness of my inner peace and ignite peace within my mind. Support me in becoming truly aware of my peace of mind. I am ready to receive and observe all that I am.’
Imagine a downpour of energy into and over your being from the Planetary Logos Ashram. Absorb and receive with awareness.
In peace,

Lord Buddha