Friday, 22 June 2018

Creating Patterns of Truth in Your Four Body System by Lord Buddha

Creating Patterns of Truth in Your Four Body System by Lord Buddha
Creating Patterns of Truth in Your Four Body System by Lord Buddha
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 22nd June 2018 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
One of the greatest ambitions of a light worker is to be an embodiment of the truth of the Creator, radiating this sacred truth through each action and reaction upon the Earth. To embody the truth of the Creator is not to be a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, instead, it is to experience an intimate relationship with the Creator within your being. To know and be familiar with the presence of the Creator transmitting through your being. The truth of the Creator is expansive, undefinable and fulfilling, it is an alignment with and an experience of all that is the Creator.
I, Lord Buddha, oversee the Planetary Level of the Creator’s Universe, ensuring that all achieve their spiritual and divine purposes upon the Earth. In this stage of ascension, I, Lord Buddha wish to promote a cleansing and purification of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, (your four body system.) The purpose of this cleansing is to create or reactivate energetic patterns and templates of truth within your cells, aura and entire being. When you awaken energetic templates and patterns of truth you realign your entire being to the Creator, divine perfection, the divine flow and allow yourself to experience fulfilment. This means that blockages, stagnant energies and limitations are released promoting experiences of liberation, acceptance of self, unconditional love for self and deep healing. Sacred wisdom and remembrance of past lifetimes can also be the result of activating patterns of truth within your being. When you embody the truth of the Creator your reality becomes a reflection of your inner truth.
The energy I am transmitting at this time is a deep healing and cleansing vibration from the Planetary Level of a pure white colour with flecks of golden light. I wish to share with you some practices to support you in receiving my light, awakening patterns of truth within your being and experiencing your inner truth. 
Cleansing and Acceptance of Your Four Body System
State each statement aloud. After each statement inhale breathing the energy from your Soul Star Chakra through into your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, exhale into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet. Repeat the breath as many times as you feel guided to before you move onto the next statement.
 ‘My emotional body and entire being are now transforming, I am anchoring the energetic codes needed to aid my ascension. I am my truth in manifestation.’
‘My emotional body and entire being are in complete balance and alignment with my soul, soul group, and the Creator.’
‘I am my spiritual ascension, I am a master of my being, I now let go of all unneeded energies, blockages and limitations created by myself in my past, present, future and simultaneous lifetimes.’
‘My physical body is cleansed of all impurities; I allow my body to exist in its perfection supporting my ascension.’
‘My mental body is cleansed and purified by the most vibrant vibration of the Creator’s Consciousness. My mental body is a transmitter of the pure and sacred consciousness of the Creator.’
‘I welcome the sacred presence of my spiritual body, grounding the truth, sacred wisdom and profound love of my spiritual self into all that I Am on every level of my existence.’
‘I honour the purpose of my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and call upon the support of the Universe of the Creator and Lord Buddha to ensure my four bodies can achieve all that is divinely guided to aid my health, wellbeing, vitality, happiness, and fulfilment.’
‘I realise my four body system as my companion for my current existence, I accept my four body system and dissolve all energies of rejection I may have created. Every part of my being exists as the purest vibration of harmony. ‘ 
Lord Buddha’s Star of Cleansing
Allow yourself to sit peacefully and breathe deeply 3 times.
I can upon the light of Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos to send your Star of Cleansing light into my being.
Imagine a pure white star descending through the top of your head to rest in your heart chakra.
Say out loud,
‘I ask Lord Buddha’s Star of Cleansing to integrate into my entire being.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light of a white colour with gold flecks to fill your entire being. Feel, sense or acknowledge a synthesis process taking place within your being.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal the energies of my physical body.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill your entire being. Breathe the energy of the star into your physical body
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal the energies of my emotional body and emotions.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill your entire being. Breathe the energy of the star into your auric field and imagine it purified.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal the energies of my mental body and mind.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill your entire being. Breathe the energy of the star into your mind and imagine it purified.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal the energies of my spiritual body and spiritual reality.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill your entire being.  Breathe the energy of the star into your spiritual body and imagine it purified.
‘Please cleanse, balance and heal the energies of my entire body and auric field.’ Inhale imagining the Star of Cleansing within your heart chakra, exhale allowing the light to fill your entire being. Expand the white star until you are the white star and it encapsulates your entire being.
‘I am a magnificent being of pure light; I honour, love and respect myself, truth and my light.
I vow to love myself unconditionally from this moment forth and to love my body, knowing that my body is a sacred chamber that holds my truth and soul.
I trust myself and know that I am a powerful being of light, I know that the love in my heart is abundant and allow all fears to be dissolved by my abundant love.
With the assistance of my guides, soul, soul group, Lord Buddha and the Creator, I dissolve and let go of all pain from the past, all fears and limitations held within my four body system.  I allow myself to listen to and cherish my four body system, receiving the necessary messages that support my physical and spiritual existence on the Earth. Support me to dedicate myself to mastering my four body system, recognising the beauty and intentions of my entire being. Help me to love my entire being unconditionally, listening to my entire being with love each day. My four body system is a valuable and treasured aspect of my being, which I now recognise fully. My entire being is now fully aligned with my soul, the guidance of my soul emanates with power, vitality, and grace through me, supporting my actions, reactions and existence upon the Earth.
With the energetic shifts and transformation made within my being, I now ask Lord Buddha to make me aware of the energetic patterns and templates of truth which have been activated within my four body system. It is through the cleansing light and my acceptance of my four body system that my patterns of truth have activated, vibrating throughout my being. I now allow myself to experience the truth of the Creator fully.’
Sit in the light of the star for as long as you wish. When you feel the process is complete imagine Lord Buddha’s Star of Cleansing flowing out through your feet down into the Earth. Send the vibration of gratitude throughout your entire being to fortify the cleansing work you have achieved.
In truth always,
Lord Buddha

Friday, 1 June 2018

Reconnection and Remembrance of Dragons by Purity the Dragon

Reconnection and Remembrance of Dragons by Purity the Dragon
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 1st June 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I am Purity, I am of Dragon Essence. I was named Purity because of my feminine energy which holds vibrations from the Stars, Moon and the Creator essence of the physical Earth and the Universe. I represent the essence of purity and I am known as the purest Dragon healer, distributing healing energies to any soul who calls upon me, with gentleness and showering pearlescent shimmering light.
When a Dragon is born it is given a quality to focus upon, I was given the quality of purity. A Dragon cannot deny their quality otherwise it causes tremendous chaos and harm to their soul. Holding the energy of purity means that I hold the vibrations of wholeness, clarity, truth, integrity, joy and I am able to cleanse energies. I am also seen as a representative of the purity held in the heart of the Creator. This doesn't make me better than any other Dragon, I simply have a purpose that is extremely healing. I can bring clarity to the minds of others, cleanse and purify their energies or surroundings, allow truth to be seen with greater ease. I have the ability to bring a person's energies from the present, past and future into a whole energy for them to experience while achieving a greater oneness with the Creator. My healing energy manifests joy from a sacred seed within the individual, joy remains eternally from that moment of activation. All these activations can occur simultaneously when I simply connect with another person’s soul. Of course, they have to be ready and it has to be divinely guided for the activations to take place as they will be brought into the light, viewing themselves and their reality differently.
When a Dragon is born you would think that the quality they embody would be at its most intensive. However, it is as the Dragon expands and fully takes on their role and purpose as a Dragon that their quality and light is most powerful. It is the same for humans, when a soul is born into a human form they carry into their embodiment sacred divine qualities. The purpose is for these qualities to mature, becoming more powerful and intensifying within their embodiment, it is often that this purpose is forgotten and lost. Whether you are aware of the purity you held as a baby or not, imagine yourself as a baby with purity emanating from your being, then visualise yourself as an adult with your purity magnified a hundred or thousand times. This is what you are capable of, each baby holds sacred qualities which they wish to fully embody and experience, intensifying these qualities throughout their life. When people awaken spiritually and consciously begin their spiritual pathway, they are remembering the sacred qualities their soul transmitted into the physical form and begin a journey of intensifying, embodying and expressing these qualities to serve self and others.
When a soul emanates purity or the innocence of the Creator it is often misunderstood or perceived negatively. To radiate purity awakens strength, power, wisdom, and truth from within your being.
You may wish to connect into the energy of your soul and ask, ‘What sacred qualities of the Creator did my soul transmit, anchor and seed within my physical being and reality at birth?’ The answers you receive allow you to comprehend the mission and purpose of your soul upon the Earth. Realising that to experience fulfilment you simply need to reactivate, embody, intensify and emanate these sacred qualities. Thus, the necessary shifts will take place within your being, to bring you into alignment with your truth.   
Your Inner Purity
Your own purity is not the energy of your physical birth, that innocence all babies have, purity exists in the Universe, this creative energy gave birth to your soul. Your soul is pure truth held within your being. You have an energy inside of you that is so sacred and ancient you might see it as stardust, but it is a divine presence that creates everything that you are aware of and everything you are not. Imagine the energy as an all-knowing energy, an energy that has seen all life forms and civilisations. You could imagine this energy as the oldest book of all that tells you how everything was created. You have this inside of you, you are this sacred energy when you begin to recognise that you are more than your current reality this is when your purity emanates from your being. Humans like Dragons where born from love and so we hold love as the foundation of our greater being. When Humans truly remember this, they will awaken from their dream-like state where suffering, pain, and challenges exist, instead perceiving the truth of the Creator and the power of creation within them.
Purpose and Intention of Dragons
Dragons fly from stars to planets to create harmonious connections, linking all together in an energy of peace and love.  Our energy creates alignments like cords of string aiding and developing bonds and communication between aspects of the Creator. This is one of the reasons how and why Dragons came to the Earth, to build sacred life force energy connecting between the Earth and all that is divine in the Universe. Each Dragon holds a different quality of energy and light which we anchor and manifest wherever we go. We are attracted to certain dimensions and stars because they hold a similar quality to our vibration which we link with other places and civilisations. Within our mind we are given divine guidance, you may liken it to a compass. We have a knowingness inside of us as to where it is essential for us to go, how much energy would be appropriate to anchor and the alignment that is necessary to be made from one place to another. Our work is to aid the Universe progressing in harmony while assisting evolution. Dragons have seen and assisted many civilisations upon the Earth, we energetically came to rest here because we saw the positive potential and growth that could occur. Dragons once walked the Earth in the same way as dinosaurs, humans were fond of us and we worked together as equals. Dragons would share much of their wisdom and energies from the Universe, working one to one with individuals. We helped to build a wonderful civilisation that valued the presence of love. After some time, humans disregarded love believing that technology could be its replacement. Chaos began to unravel, and we had to make the choice of ascending, meaning that we evaporated into light to move to another reality, but humans could no longer see us unless they opened their inner eye.
Dragon Essence
Many people who were fond of Dragons and felt a unique soul connection placed the essence of the Dragon they felt aligned to into objects, caves, trees, crystals and sacred places upon the Earth so that their Dragon could be born once more with love onto the Earth. People stored Dragon essence in objects because they believed that their love for Dragons may fade with time losing its power and intensity. Preserving the strength of their love safeguarded the memory and existence of Dragons. My temporary resting place is in the moon so that I beam light into the darkness and distribute purity to humanity each and every night.
I am radiating the Dragon Essence to you now. Dragon Essence can represent the pure source of all Dragons or it can describe the love that each person held for their Dragon. Dragon Essence, when embodied by a soul in human form, can bring a Dragon back into energetic manifestation when the time is appropriate. Humans have the power to rekindle the relationship between humans and dragons, working to aid ascension once more.  
We Dragons are not simply stories or myths as you may believe, we once held a powerful relationship with humanity, that you now see between humans and their pets. We were humanity's companions, sharing great guidance concerning the Earth and the Universe. Most importantly we gave to you qualities from the very essence of creation. Many simple qualities such as harmony, empowerment, and courage were enhanced within humans by the Dragon Kingdom. When Dragons ascended to a new dimension, unfortunately, humanity forgot the qualities of magic and liberation, making their energies and realities stagnant and restricted. 
I, Purity, on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom, simply wished to share this information with you. It is for you to decide if you wish to connect with us. You can call upon me, Purity, to surround you in the Dragon Essence for you to experience and to maybe create an activation of remembrance from within your being. You may also call upon me to share my healing light with you.
With the infinite nature of the purity of the Creator,
Purity the Dragon