Friday, 20 July 2018

The Dimensions of Mother Earth by Mother Earth

The Dimensions of Mother Earth by Mother Earth
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 20th July 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 
The beauty of my being can be seen all around you, in the smallest plant and in the largest tree. My essence is within every particle of soil and every flower that blooms. You will find me in the essence of animals, insects and all forms of living creatures, as they carry my energy with them. You will discover that my energy is within your being, vibrating in harmony with your essence and light. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia. When you seek and discover the beauty of my being within the Earth and nature that surrounds you, however small or large, you will allow yourself to enter into another dimension of yourself and the Creator’s energy.
Life is a collection of dimensions. You choose which dimension you exist within by your perceptions, thoughts, and willingness to open your heart and soul.
I, Mother Earth, am not speaking of the dimensions of the inner planes or the Universe of the Creator, I am speaking of the Dimensions of Life on the Earth. There are so many ways to live and experience life and there are many dimensions of the Earth to encounter. There are dimensions of creation which describe the nature kingdoms, elemental kingdoms, and even the elements. Then there are dimensions of existence, each signifies a certain openness of being and acceptance of the truth. When existing upon the Earth it is not so much for you to discover which dimension of the Earth you are experiencing. More so it is to seek a greater connection, involvement, and oneness with my energies, Mother Earth. In doing so you open yourself beyond any false limitations created by humanity, not the Earth herself, and begin to explore the true nature and experience of the Earth.  
The limitations and suffering, hardship and pain is a creation of humanity and their thought systems of generations, this has developed becoming magnified and empowered. Such thought forms can impact the elements and even the presence of nature. When humanity allows themselves to let go of thoughts patterns that limit, bound and cause chaos, then their purpose of existing upon the Earth will unfold. There are dimensions of openness, expansiveness, and connection with nature, and myself Mother Earth which allows for new spiritual experiences. Within the Earth, you could say there is a treasure waiting to be found. The treasure is a new way of being, experiencing, seeing, feeling, hearing and existing for you upon the Earth.
Dimensions of Life on the Earth
There are numerous dimensions of life upon the Earth, I wish to share with you three which will begin your journey into the dimensions of my being and existence.
The Dimension of Light
The dimension of light allows an awakening of your senses, supporting you in seeing, sensing and experiencing light as a part of your being and within your surroundings. You recognise light as a building block and foundation for all creations while being able to discover the different vibrations of light within all of creation. Light can take plentiful forms, have numerous vibrations and different colours, it is constantly changing and expanding. When you integrate into the Dimension of Light of the Earth you feel, sense and acknowledge life, your existence and your reality as energy in constant flow, expansion, and transformation. You see beyond the physical world, experiencing life through your senses and as a collaboration of light or particles of energy vibrating. You may realise that nothing is permanent and can be moulded through your thoughts and intentions. This creates an experience of liberation and hope, as you take responsibility for the world of light and energy within and around you. Cause and effect becomes very evident as does your ability to understand the journey of light from a seed or intention to its manifestation and beyond.
The Dimension of Light is so beautiful to explore because it allows you to create a bridge within your awareness between the energetic and physical realms, acknowledging them as one, thus beginning to grasp the purpose of the Earth.
To access the Dimension of Light of the Earth, call upon my energies and assistance, Mother Earth and invite me to heal and awaken your senses to become aware of the earthly dimensions. Imagine, sense or acknowledge that I place into your awareness an orb of light. As you place your awareness into the orb of light you see, sense and acknowledge nature all around you, glowing with light. The nature vibrations move through your being and awaken your senses, creating a beautiful healing within your being. Green light floods your being and senses, allowing you to enter into the Earth’s dimension of light. Allow yourself to experience this. Practicing will allow your senses to awaken further and the dimension to unfold its truth to you.
The Dimension of Beauty
The Dimension of Beauty can truly be grasped and understood when observing nature in all its many forms. When you acknowledge the beauty of nature you become aware of the perfection of all things and your need to release judgment of what beauty should be or looks like. Beauty exists within all things, beings and situations, it is not reserved for some and not others. Beauty is not necessarily the outer reflection, more so it is born from the inner reflection. Beauty can manifest as numerous qualities and yet it has the ability to resonate with another and create an intimate awakening of truth.
The Dimension of Beauty promotes within you an inner awakening of truth and a reflection of the purity of the Creator, and the energies I channel through my being; Mother Earth. When you exist within the Dimension of Beauty, you see, sense and acknowledge the reality around you as perfection manifested. Everything speaks to you of the Creator and you develop a deep-seated awe, gratitude, and appreciation for all that manifests. The Dimension of Beauty allows you to access a deep-seated understanding and connection with the Earth and the Creator which opens you to receive and become the Creator on a greater scale. You become an expression and witness of beauty, understanding it beyond the physical manifestation and more so as a direct link to the Creator.
To access the Dimension of Beauty there is a need to witness your own inner beauty. There is a need for you to seek within your being beyond your outer manifestation, beyond your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions, journeying into the source and core of your being. It is within your essence that you will discover your beauty. Emanating your inner beauty into your being and surrounds and especially into nature and the Earth will support you in accessing and existing within the Dimension of Beauty. This can take patience, as often there is illusion which shrouds the Dimension of Beauty, once accessed, you will remain connected, experiencing daily the beauty of the Creator in manifestation through the Earth.
The Dimension of Diversity
The Dimension of Diversity encourages you to recognise change as a natural aspect of your being and reality. The continuous flow and expansion of the Creator upon the Earth and working through the Earth become apparent to you. You realise that time does not exist therefore everything has a constant nature and manifests eternally while also developing, transforming and morphing into something else. The balance of the constant and yet inconstant nature of the Creator is experienced by you with harmony, ease and a sense of wonder and respect. It is within the Dimension of Diversity that you tap into the laws of the Universe of the Creator and how this influences and shapes the Earth. You also become aware of the permanent and impermanent nature of your soul, meaning your ability to merge with all that is the Creator, letting go of all you recognise yourself to be while recognising your identity or identities. This can be one of the most challenging dimensions to comprehend, however, it invites you to let go of reason and trying to understand, instead seeing the true systems and workings of your being, the Earth and the Creator. You begin to experiment with the purpose and process of duality as well as the essentially required experience of balance.
To begin to explore the Dimension of Diversity there is a need to call upon my energies, Mother Earth, to heal your reflection upon everything as separate and linear. This will be a shift in your perceptions of yourself and outer reality, allowing limitations and illusions to drop away, encouraging you to be more able to recognise the presence of diversity in all aspects of the Creator upon the Earth. As you allow me to work with you lending my energy and promoting an inner transformation I, Mother Earth encourage you to explore what diversity means to you and the deepest core of your being. It is through your exploration that understanding will stream into your being allowing you to access the Dimension of Diversity of the Earth, benefiting from its influence and presence in your reality.
It is important for me to accentuate that the earthly reality remains the same as you access the Dimension of the Earth, it is a shift within you and your perceptions that manifests, a deeper connection with and understanding of the Earth. You enter into a new dimension of your earthly being and your connection with myself, Mother Earth. The dimension is experienced through you and the way you see and interact with the world around you.
With loving truth and generous support,
Mother Earth

Friday, 13 July 2018

The Art of Witnessing and Creating by the Unicorn Kingdom

The Art of Witnessing and Creating by the Unicorn Kingdom
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 13th July 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 
Deep love and blessings extends through us the Unicorn Kingdom from the Creator to you. We honour the light that we bring forth to you and honour the light you bring forth to us now. The exchange of the Creator’s light is deeply important to each and every soul. To both express and receive the Creator is a blessing which empowers, brings deep understanding and awakens the further presence of the Creator within. It is a natural aspect of existence upon the Earth and the inner planes, that feeds life force energy into every aspect and level of your being. If the Creator is expressed but not received your being can become drained of nutrients and life itself. If the Creator is received and yet not expressed your being can become over energised which can cause illness or lack of focus. As with all aspects of the Creator’s Universe, everything requires to exist in perfect balance and union with each other. This could be described as a respect for each aspect, existence and expression of the Creator. When you respect all aspects of your being you honour and value the expansive nature, creations and truth of the Creator, thus accessing the deep treasure of the Creator that is on going within your being and the Universe of the Creator.
We, the Unicorn Kingdom, wish to encourage you to cultivate respect for all aspects of your being, creation, existence and life. We invite you to value and appreciate each process of growth and awareness you move through, each feeling and thought whether you perceive them as negative or positive and each experience you create. In cultivating a respect for each aspect of your being and each experience upon the Earth and the inner planes you do not give importance to one thing, instead observing and accepting each as a reason to witness the deeper truth within you. When you cultivate respect, you allow yourself to observe from a balanced perspective and with an open mind, realising the presence and communication of the Creator connecting directly with you in each given moment. Often chaos or suffering within your being can be created by giving too much importance to one energy, thought, emotion or experience, this can create an imbalance within your being and within your reality.
Allow yourself to take time to respectfully observe each and every energy that comes to your awareness. Some energies you will not wish to give too much time or attention to, simply letting them go as you know if they were energised they would create limitations within your being and reality. By examining and respectfully observing your experiences, thoughts and emotions each day, you allow yourself to realise patterns of creation, limitations you energise and messages from your soul and the Universe. You begin to become a witness and a creator of your existence on the Earth and spiritual experiences. When you recognise yourself as a witness and a creator, which in many ways contradict each other, you become balanced, in harmony with your existence and the divine will of the Creator.
Your existence on the Earth is to be in a constant flow of witnessing or observing and creating. Witnessing is to be a witness to your life, to see, sense and acknowledge as much as you can about yourself and reality from a state of openness, non-judgment, non- attachment and peace. To be a creator of your reality is to realise that the energies, emotions, thoughts and perceptions you have impact and influence the reality you experience in the present and the future. Thus, there is a need to focus upon that within you which creates the reality and existence you wish to experience. Through allowing yourself to witness all that you are you become a witness of that which within your being creates limitations and that which creates expansion and fulfilment. You understand how to create a reality of fulfilment for yourself. This is a very powerful and high level of mastery and yet it is something that is natural and almost automatic for you, simply needing fine tuning and alignment.
We, the Unicorn Kingdom, believe that embodying the process and focus of witnessing and creating is an essential practice at this time of ascension. As energies anchoring into the Earth heighten, your sensitivity to all that is the Creator develops and the truth rises to the surface from within your being to be acknowledged, there is a need to remain centred, grounded and balanced. This is essential for each step of your spiritual evolution and allows your acceleration of your ascension to be greater. Remaining centred, grounded and balanced allows you to follow the pathway for you which is appropriate without feeling confused or disorientated.  When you are balanced with yourself and the Creator your reality becomes an expression of divine balance.
Creating the reality, you wish to experience, in our view, is to witness and observe yourself, then to create action to shift any perceptions, thoughts, feelings, wounds creating that which you do not wish to experience.  In many ways you are a creature of habit, whether you believe so or not, your subconscious mind loves repetition. It is from your subconscious mind that you create most of the time, it is akin to a library from which you accept information, how to act and react as well as patterns you are not aware of.
Meditation to Enhance Your Ability to Witness and Create
‘I invite the Unicorn Kingdom to awaken my entire being with your light. Please appropriately for me increase my sensitivity and awareness of the light of the Creator surrounding me, moving through me and expressing from my being.  Please together as a community place your Unicorn energetic horns into my auric field and pour your high vibrational light into my entire being. Let your light be focused upon supporting me in being a witness of my being and a creator of my reality.
I invite a deep healing process to take place in order to release any limitations, blockages, ignorance and resistance that may be holding me back from witnessing and creating myself as a being and reality of fulfilment.
Let your light penetrate my being allowing me to witness, examining and respectfully observing my experiences, thoughts and emotions each day, recognising within me patterns of creation, limitations energised and messages from my soul and the Universe. With the knowledge and understanding I acquire may I rediscover my natural ability to manifest and create my dreams and desires upon the Earth. Through my understanding may I fully embody and realise that where I place my focus, this naturally impacts the reality I experience.
Please Unicorn Kingdom, support me in this beautiful process of creating balance within my being and reality. Help me to reveal to myself all that I am, both my limitations and wonderous energies, so I may with awareness experience balance, understand all that I am with greater depth and become a beacon of creation and fulfilment in my existence upon the Earth now. Thank you.’
Take time to soak the words and intentions into your being. Allow yourself to experience the Unicorn Kingdom surrounding you and placing their energetic Unicorn horns into your auric field. Experience the Unicorn Kingdom activating your being, increasing your sensitivity and making you more aware of all that you are; your thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions. Take time to simply be with yourself allowing the Unicorn Kingdom to bring forth their healing light and promote shifts that support your natural ability to receive, embody and express the Creator.
We, the Unicorn Kingdom, are present to be of service, please call upon us to aid and assist you, revealing the truth of the Creator to you through our beings and through yours.
With Unicorn blessings and purity,
We are the Unicorn Kingdom