Saturday, 24 November 2018

Jolt of Awakening by the Galactic Logos Melchior Through Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 23rd November 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greeting and divine blessings I share with you to support your ascension journey now. I am the overseer and Logos of the Galactic Level, I receive the light of the Creator and deliver it to the Galactic, Solar and Planetary Levels of the Creator’s Universe.  I blaze to you the silver golden light of the Creator’s vibration I embody and share with the Creator’s Universe.

I come forth to share with you some insights into the Ascension period you are currently moving through. In these times there is a need to focus upon maintaining the balance and alignment of your being, the peace and love within you as well as a sense of purpose for your actions, reactions and thoughts. As you preoccupy yourself in these areas of your spiritual growth this will completely stabilise you as powerful waves of light charge through the Universe of the Creator and penetrate the Earth. These powerful energy waves are beginning now and will continue into the beginning of the New Year of 2019. The purpose of these energy waves is to jolt humanity into a new awakening and higher expansive awareness in preparation for the New Year. Jolts of awakening are essential to cleanse the collective consciousness of humanity and allow space for new wisdom and understanding to emerge. Many people who have not been interested in their health, the wellbeing of themselves and others and the spiritual nature of their being will feel drawn to exploring these fields with greater depth, perhaps for the first time. Others will feel that their being and reality is being cleansed of all that is no longer needed or that blocks the realisation of the Creator within. For some it may feel as if extreme transformations and shifts are taking place within their beings and lives, causing awakening and liberation as well as confusion and uncertainty. Those who are clinging to and resisting change, inner awakening and transformation will find the journey most extreme and challenging.

The outcome will be that the vibration of the collective consciousness of humanity will rise allowing new wisdom and awareness to become present within people at a physical level on the Earth.

Sustaining Inner Balance
Many of you are devoted to your spiritual evolution and remaining in the light of the Creator, for you the energy waves entering as a jolt will not feel extreme or shocking, however, you will experience the energy waves impact upon your being. As you focus upon remaining balanced and aligned, recognising the peace and love within your being and creating purpose in your actions, reactions and thoughts, you will experience an enhancement in all that you are as a spiritual being in a physical body. Your recognition of your expansive energy, inner enlightenment and united connection with the Creator will be empowered, enhanced and truly experienced for you upon the Earth. Focusing your attention upon your spiritual evolutions, especially the areas I, Melchior, wish to explore with you will stabilise you completely in the presence of the energy waves allowing you to be a source of support for others who are feeling unstabilise by the current ascension conditions.

Balance and Alignment
To remain in balance and alignment with your being is to harmonise with your true self. Harmony within your being manifests when you are aware of the light, love and wisdom that naturally flows from within your being. You are a beacon and expression of the Creator, there is so much within you waiting to be shared, whether with yourself or others. When you follow your inner guidance, allow yourself to follow your inner happiness and release yourself from self-imposed limitations, you become harmonised and in balance with your truth. Remaining in balance with yourself is to recognise when you are battling with yourself, judging or criticising yourself as well as blocking your inner guidance. Being in balance is to be aware of who you really are or seeking to discover who you are in your every day life. There is no need for you to have all the answers or to understand yourself fully, the simple desire or focus to will support you in remaining balanced and in harmony.

Alignment with your being is to ensure you are connected with your soul and soul group, as well as your guides. This simply requires you to create a request each day or every few days for your entire being to be aligned with your soul, soul group and guides. Alternativity you can meditate to experience this fully. Alignment with the Creator to receive all the necessary Creator qualities and guidance will also benefit your ascension now. Alignment can be experienced as a request/ intention or during meditation, inviting the Creator to embrace you fully. Alignment and balance are especially important when you are feeling stuck, confusion or insecure.

Peace and Love
The energy vibrations and qualities of peace and love naturally exist within your soul and being. When you become entirely focused outside of yourself and into your physical reality you distract yourself from your inner peace and love as well as the strength and power these energies hold. When you recognise the peace and love within your being you view yourself and your reality with clarity, an expansive perspective and a deeper understanding of what is taking place. Without peace and love you look for answers outside of yourself, feel confused by situations or challenges in your life as well as close yourself off to opportunities and the divine flow of the Creator manifesting in your reality. The acknowledgement of your inner peace and love as well as focus upon radiating your peace and love allows for you to feel supported, loved and guided in every step of your life. Thus, you experience fulfilment, the joys of life and a deeper connection with those around you.

You could say that love and peace are the foundations to your being and existence, take time to focus upon and recognise love and peace. Let your reactions be from love and peace and your creations born from the same. Become a beacon of love and peace, observing your life transform.

Many light workers worry and concern themselves with discovering and living their true or soul purpose upon the Earth. Instead, I, Melchior, invite you to change your perspective. Give a sense of purpose to the actions you create, your reactions to yourself and others as well as your thoughts. You do not need to know your purpose instead choose what you wish to focus on and create, and then gift this purpose to your actions, reactions and thoughts. If you wish to be a beacon of love enthuse your actions, reactions and thoughts with love. If you wish to change your career, become more creative, or help those who are suffering, let this be your purpose, give the purpose you choose to your actions, reactions and thoughts. Your sense of purpose will empower you, supporting you in creating fulfilment in your life. When you create a purpose, your soul flows with greater ease and you easily find yourself achieving your soul’s purpose without realising it.

Be a sense of purpose of your choosing in your life, rather than seeking your purpose.

In Service to Others
Each of these areas of focus, awareness and action will support you in easily remaining balanced as the energy waves penetrate the Earth. Even without your focus on the areas I have shared you will recognise the presence of balance and harmony within your being. You are being supported so that you may support others. There is a need to extend your compassion, love and understanding to those who feel off balance or confused in the coming weeks. Patience is required and an understanding that they are experiencing a deep cleansing and an awakening because of the new energy wave which has been labelled the ‘Jolt of Awakening.’ To extend anything other than love and peace to those experiencing turmoil would be a disservice to yourself and to others. It is time for you to realise your loving strength in your listening, forgiveness and patience, recognising the shifts and transformation this can support in yourself and others. Let yourself be a beacon of love and peace, you do not even need to say anything, it is time to simply hold the space for others to awaken.

I am holding the space for you,

Melchior, Galactic Logos

More from Master Melchior

Friday, 16 November 2018

Let the Celestial White Beings Empower Your Thoughts with Peace and Bliss

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 16th November 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Blissful and peaceful blessings, we, the Celestial White Beings share with you now. We wish for you to recognise the bliss and peace within your being, as this is your power and your access to your truth. We embrace you in blissful and peaceful energy from our celestial levels, supporting you in each moment in exploring the presence of the Creator within you.

The Creator can be born through your expression as numerous qualities, the Creator is everything and yet also nothing. There are so many of the Creator’s qualities to explore and reactivate within your being and yet all can be recognised as a complete feeling, sensation or knowingness within your being. Recognise that as an expression of the Creator you are everything and all that is the Creator as well as being expansive, unknown and uncomprehendable. To begin to acknowledge yourself in meditation or quiet time with this understanding allows you to detach from your current identity and reality if only for a second to recognise yourself in a new way. This process also allows you to expand your focus beyond current thoughts and perceptions which seem so real to you, liberating yourself.

Bliss and peace always exist within your being, you could say the energies are the makeup of your soul. When you allow yourself to be liberated from thoughts and perceptions connected to you and your reality you come to rest in the space of peace and bliss. The sacred presence of peace and bliss is able to expand to support and nurture you allowing you to approach your reality with a new vision or understanding. In doing so you are allowing the Creator to breathe through you and into your reality. In a sense you are giving energy and attention to the presence of bliss and peace within you which allow both energies to become alive and active.

To accept the presence of bliss and peace within your being is not to erase or eliminate all negative or limiting thoughts and perceptions about yourself, others and your reality. Instead it is to recognise and choose where you place your energy, attention and devotion. If you are enjoying, energising and giving power to thoughts that limit and disempower you then you will experience a reality that limits and disempowers you. If you are directing your energy, focus and attention to the knowingness or belief that peace and bliss exist within you then you will experience a reality where peace and bliss emerge and manifest. Therefore, there is a need to choose the thoughts and perceptions about yourself, others, your reality and even the Creator that empower and support your existence of fulfilment upon the Earth.

Imagine your unwanted or limiting thoughts as habits; an automatic pattern. It can be difficult to erase an automatic pattern, as often it occurs without your instruction. The first course of action is to
·         Become aware of your automatic patterns or limiting thought habits. Awareness reduces the power of the thought patterns and allows you to refrain from affirming the limiting thought pattern any further.
·         Distraction further disempowers thought habits. When you place your focus elsewhere you withdraw your power from the thought habits. Each time you achieve this you are disempowering the thought habit until it becomes powerless. The habit is dissolved because you have stopped the energy flowing to the thought habit. Due to your mind no longer following the pathway of the thought habit it simply no longer exists and therefore no longer bothers you with its presence.

·         The distraction can be anything of your choosing. We the Celestial White Beings encourage you to focus upon the presence of peace and bliss within your being, however you may focus upon anything that you wish to experience within your reality. Your focus doesn’t have to be the same each time and the focus doesn’t have to be for a lengthy time. It can simply be as quick and fleeting as the habit thought you were aware of entering your mind. In many ways thoughts are designed to flow through your mind. It is the action of changing the flow of your thought patterns that creates space for you to focus within, accessing the truth of your being and the presence of bliss and peace.

What you focus upon, you become, and it turns up in your reality as experiences and life.

·         Be aware of the space you are creating to acknowledge your inner truth. Allow yourself to become conscious of the presence of the Creator within you becoming clearer and available to you. This space may feel unusual or you may not even recognise it at first. Maybe you will perceive it as feeling relaxed or at ease. You will be able to recognise the presence of the Creator unfolding and occupying the space within you as you may feel peaceful and blissful. When you are able to sense this space within you, allow yourself to melt and seep into the energy and presence of it. In doing so you expand the space further, balancing and aligning your entire being on all levels.

It may take practice to recognise the space of the Creator within you. It may be something you have been experiencing for a while and are only bringing it into your full awareness and realisation. The unfolding space of the Creator within you may feel liberating, loving, gentle, powerful, truthful and transformational. Becoming accustomed to the energy will allow you to recognise it with greater ease in meditation and everyday life.

Recognising Peace and Bliss
Peace and bliss are sacred energies and expressions of the Creator that impact each person differently due to their circumstances, perspectives and thought processes. When you experience and recognise the presence of peace and bliss within your being, it is important to bring it into action within your being and reality. There are two questions which you may wish to ask yourself:

What does being the active presence of peace mean to me right now?
What does being the active presence of bliss mean to me right now?

These two questions invite you to be in the present moment with the energy of peace and bliss within you, recognising yourself as an embodiment of these sacred energies. You are also encouraged to recognise the impact of the energy of peace and bliss upon your being and within your reality in each present moment you contemplate these questions. Contemplating how these sacred energies are expressed and put into action through you.

Take time to contemplate one question at a time during meditation or quiet time. As you become accustomed to experiencing the energy, its flow and inspiration within and through your being so you can begin to ask yourself one or both of the questions on a regular basis throughout your day. Especially when you feel stuck, unbalanced, upset or confused. The questions allow you to recognise that peace and bliss are already within your being, ready and available to support and guide you, there is simply a need to bring your attention and focus to the energy.

We are present to support and inspire you always,

Friday, 9 November 2018

Unique Encoding of Your Soul by the Pleiadians Channeled By Natalie Glasson

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Unique Encoding of Your Soul by the Pleiadians

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 9th November 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

With gratitude and love we the Pleiadians come forth to greet you. We bring with us our energy, wisdom and activating energy to support your remembrance of yourself, truth and the Creator. We wish to connect with you from a space of remembrance of the Creator, in doing so our connection is instantly powerful, deep and meaningful. We, the Pleiadians invite you to receive our energy, breathing it into every cell of your being. Allow yourself to journey inwards to the space of remembrance and knowingness within you that is always present and active. It is in this sacred space of your truth we will meet you. When connecting from a space of knowingness you allow yourself to communicate from the freedom and expansion of the Creator and receive the same in return. For us, the Pleiadians this is the most empowering way to connect and communicate.

We encourage you to practice this with us and in your daily reality with loved ones and strangers. Once you become accustomed to directing your focus inward to the space of knowingness and remembrance within you, resting there and expressing yourself from that space, the experience will become natural and easy. It is after all your natural existence and way of being. When you connect and communicate with others and even yourself from a space of your inner knowingness and remembrance you are to express yourself without limitations, worries or fears. It doesn’t mean that you become a foundation of knowledge and have to share wisdom constantly with other, telling them what to do in order to be like you. Instead it is creating a space within you and within your relationships that allows the truth of the Creator to be present. Some wisdom may form within your mind and you may discover yourself expressing the wisdom to others, this will be with a sense of you yourself being inspired and stimulated rather than trying to inspire and stimulate the other.

We, the Pleiadians wish to encourage connection with your inner knowingness and remembrance as a way of life and a way of experiencing life itself. A focus is simply all that is required, whether you can recognise your inner space of remembrance and knowingness or not, your focus will open you to experience your intention. As you begin by entering into your space of remembrance and knowingness with us allow yourself to recognise the sensations, shifts and awakenings that occur. This will enable you to recognise when you are communicating and expressing from your inner space and when you are not.

The Activation of Your Soul
When you focus on expressing from your inner space of knowingness and remembrance you are fully activating your soul’s energies and presence. Greater aspects of your soul download into your physical being and awareness while the presence of your soul becomes more powerfully visible to you and others, radiating through you. You are always connected to your soul and always embody your soul; however, you have the opportunity to welcome more fully your soul into your existence and reality.  Thus, linking your mind, emotions, actions and even reactions with your soul, life then becomes a process of exploration and getting to know your soul on the most intimate level. Such an experience allows you to let go of unneeded aspects of the ego, the habits of the mind and the limitations you put upon yourself. While this process sounds like a complete transformation within your being, you will feel a shift and a deeper resonance to your being, as well as continuing to view yourself as completely yourself, as you know yourself to be in your physical reality.

When your soul begins to fully activate and become fully engaged within your being, a beautiful awakening takes place from the core of your soul which is often beyond your comprehension and goes unrecognised. We, the Pleiadians wish to support you in recognising this opening as it is occurring for you even now. Your soul’s unique encoding is activating, flowing into your being and imprinting into your physical being and reality.

Your Soul’s Unique Encoding
Your soul holds a unique code of energy, light and consciousness which you could say is akin to the DNA of your soul. These unique codes hold the true presence, energy and vibration of your soul as well as the depths of wisdom, knowledge and truth your soul embodies. Within these unique codes are the intentions of your soul for its existence whether incarnate upon the Earth, working on the inner planes, existing within a star civilisation or something else. The intention spans beyond your current existence of how you know yourself to be. You could describe it as your soul’s intention for the Universe of the Creator or for unification and oneness with the Creator. The intention may be so deep and profound that it may not be understood or grasped by your mind. This doesn’t mean that the codes cannot have a powerful and positively impactful influence upon your being and ascension now. Accepting, aligning with and receiving your soul’s unique codes as an energy wave anchoring into your being can act as a powerful accelerator of your ascension and a shift to allow greater healing to be received and accepted.

Experiencing the Creator is not about understanding or comprehending, it is simply about acceptance and being present while holding intentions and listening to your intuition to guide you to unfold your greater knowingness.

Your soul’s unique codes cannot be grasped by your conscious mind and yet can be experienced by your energy field and physical body. For each of you the codes will be unique and will have a different impact upon your being. You will receive that which you require in that moment to support you. This means that whenever you connect with and experience the energy wave of your soul’s unique codes you will receive diverse energies or experience something different. Therefore, you can connect with your soul’s unique codes at any time to support you in receiving what you need and require to unfold your truth and unification with the Creator. This practice can be used constantly to support your existence upon the Earth. When coupled with existing from the space of knowingness and remembrance within you, your soul’s unique codes become a powerful nourishment and guiding light for your fulfilment and happiness on the Earth.

‘Pleiadians, I call upon your presence and invite you to guide me into my inner space of knowingness and remembrance, so I may communicate with you from this sacred space of my being. Allow me to experience your energy surrounding me as I receive your light and consciousness of knowingness and truth from your essence.’

Take a few moments to breathe deeply, connecting into your own energy and our presence with you.
‘Pleiadians, from the space of inner knowingness and remembrance I invite you to support me in activating an energy wave from the core of my soul delivering my soul’s unique codes into my entire being. Allow me to receive my soul’s codes with awareness of their positive and enhancing influence upon my being and reality. I know I may not be able to understand my soul’s unique codes; however, I open myself to receive any divine inspiration available to me. I am aware I will receive all I need and require to support me now from my soul’s unique codes and welcome this fully. Pleiadians, I open to your full support now. Thank you.’

Imagine, sense, acknowledge a powerful wave of energy and light extending from the core of your soul into and through your entire being. This wave of energy is the presence of your soul delivering your soul’s unique codes into your entire being. Simply allow yourself to receive for as long as is essential.

With love and truth,


Friday, 2 November 2018

Ancient Activation Shift by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 2nd November 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa  -

Blessings of love and truth, I, Master Kuthumi, bring forth to you. I am the World Teacher alongside Master Sananda, together we oversee the spiritual education and ascension of all beings at a planetary and earthly level. It is our purpose to be of service to you, to gift you information and knowledge as well as awakening transformation and enlightenment within you. We created contracts with each of you before your incarnation onto the Earth. In these contracts your soul stated the reason for your incarnation and what your soul wished to discover and awaken, we then shared how we could be of service and support your soul.  We wish to make you aware of the contract, so you may realise that you can call upon us to activate wisdom within you, awaken knowingness and instigate transformation to be of service to your soul’s incarnation upon the Earth.

‘Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, I call upon your energy, love, wisdom and presence to be with me now. Support me in opening to receive all you feel guided to share with me, let me receive with a clear mind, heart and being, so I may benefit fully from the experience.

Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please begin a transmission of energy to me so I may receive and awaken the wisdom my soul wishes me to be consciously aware of at this time in my ascension. Please imprint into my being the energy and enlightenment that will serve me in the future, so I may bring this into my present manifestation at a greater speed. Please support my soul and my soul’s existence upon the Earth now and in my ascension. Thank you and let it be.’
Take time to experience the transmission of energy fully anchoring into your being. This practice can be achieved as often as you wish and throughout your entire ascension process, we, wish to be present and of service to you always.

Ancient Energy at Your Core
While re-establishing our connection with you and reawakening the contract of service we wish to provide to your soul allows you to access ancient wisdom, knowingness and truth within your being, there is a deeper activation taking place. Within your soul and the core of your soul, even within the core of your soul group there is stored ancient wisdom and truth. Ancient wisdom and truth are the knowledge, techniques, energies and understanding which no longer exist upon the Earth and sometimes within the Universe of the Creator. It is civilisations, their purpose and teachings which your soul and even your soul group has forgotten. This wisdom and truth can be so ancient that it holds keys of energy and even DNA stands of light which manifested during the original expressions of the Creator. While some of this wisdom and knowingness is no longer essential or needed upon the Earth and the inner planes, there are aspects which need to be rediscovered to create a wholeness and completeness in the knowledge of humanity and beings upon the inner planes. Akin to key pieces of wisdom that complete the larger picture of all that is the Creator that is awakening and downloading within your being.

This ancient and much needed energy is hidden at the core of your soul, it has been long forgotten. When activated it will also reawaken a new energy surge and cycle within your being which will assist in empowering your sensitivity to and awareness of your spiritual abilities, your guides, your ascension process and the inner planes of the Creator’s Universe. When an aspect of the Creator is hidden, even if it is wisdom or conscious awareness, it creates a blockage in your energy system restricting the full flow of your power, vitality and light. While this may go unnoticed through several incarnations, generations and civilisations without causing any problems to your ascension process and the expansion of your being, there will come a point when your vibration can no longer tolerate the blockage, causing healing and a release to take place. That time is approaching. I, Master Kuthumi, alongside Master Sananda have put an energy in motion assisted and magnified by the Creator to bring the ancient wisdom and truth to the surface once more, and for the blockage to be released. We believe that many light workers are ready to experience a deep release and freedom of their energy flow within their being, resulting in ancient wisdom and truth unfolding into their conscious awareness.

The energy we have put into motion will only serve and work with those who are ready and willing, it will not cause any trauma or distress of any kind. Instead it will be like a bubble bursting, illusion scattering with an overall sensation of freedom and relief in your energy flow. You will notice your energy field expanding and growing in power which will be inspiring. The energy that Master Sananda and I have put into motion will also cleanse and purify the ancient truth and wisdom awakening from your core, this means that all unneeded energy or wisdom will be dissolved eternally. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about being distracted by unneeded energies or worrying about being confused, the wisdom awakening will be perfect to inspire and further awaken you.

The result of this activation is one of feeling and recognising the wholeness and completeness of your being as an expression of the Creator in your physical incarnation upon the Earth.
‘I call upon the presence of Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda to download their loving, wise and high vibratational energies into my being now. Allow me to feel your presence pulsating throughout my being, anchoring into my cells and conscious awareness. The purpose of the synthesis of our energies is to prepare me to receive the new movement of energy you are bringing forth and to reawaken the ancient wisdom and truth from within my being. ‘
Breathe deeply, enjoying the sensations of our integration with you and as we prepare your energies to receive the activation.

‘Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please align me to the new movement energy transmission you are now bringing forth for the planetary level. Let me receive the energies, frequency and light, penetrating into my entire being and soul to awaken the ancient wisdom and truth held within the core of my soul. May the awakening of ancient wisdom and truth be smooth and easy liberating my being and releasing any or all blockages within my energy system and flow. I am liberated, empowered, magnified and enlightened. The purpose of this activation is to increase my energy flow, strengthen my sensitivity and connection with the Creator as well as supporting me in retrieving and remembering what I need to in order to recognise the wholeness, completeness and totality of my being as an aspect of the Creator.

Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please support me in moving through this sacred activation and awakening process of the original energies of the Creator with ease and perfection now. Thank you and let it be so.’

This activation may be very deep, drawing you into the core of your being and essence, you may find yourself falling asleep or being unconscious of what is taking place. This is natural, simply allow whatever needs to take place to take place. Allow all expectations to fall away and be present with the unfolding of energy within your being. You may feel guided to experience the activation several times to fully receive the ancient wisdom and truth held within your being.

In loving guidance and truth,