Friday, 25 November 2016

Harnessing the Power and Essence Within You by Mother Earth

Harnessing the Power and Essence Within You by Mother Earth Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 25th November 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Beloved soul incarnate upon my body, I send my energy, love and truth to you, I am Mother Earth. It is a great honour to connect with your heart chakra from the space of my profound love for you. We are one, we are reflections of each other, I am you, and you are me. When you were born into the earthly reality, and onto my body, you merged an aspect of yourself/ your essence with me, our energy became united. I supported you in grounding into the earthly reality, supported you in embodying a physical body and connecting your consciousness with mine and those already present. In return you shared with me your light, you allowed yourself to hold the essence of my truth and to exist on the Earth as an example of my essence. You hold within you the essence of my soul, Mother Earth, as well as the essence of the Creator, we both merge with your soul essence to create who you are in this very moment as well as whom you can become when you allow yourself to awaken further remembering your truth. I deeply honour you for the light and essence of pure truth that you hold within your being; it is a power and wisdom which is unique to the earthly reality. A synthesis accepted by only those who are born onto the Earth.

As you exist upon the Earth, you have many purposes to embody, accept and manifest. A purpose is an opportunity that creates truth, inspiration and enlightenment, it is not something which is compulsory for you to achieve, it is simply an opportunity which is available to you to aid your spiritual evolution. When you believe that you have a purpose which is vital for you to achieve and yet you do not understand your purpose, then you are hindering the creative flow of the Creator as well as encouraging yourself to be blind to your essence within your being. When you believe that you have many purposes upon the Earth, that each is opportunity and is not compulsory for you to achieve you begin to tap into the magical creative flow of the Earth which will guide you through your journey of incarnation.
Some aspects of the Earth can seem restraining, confining and restrictive, this is not the true essence of the Earth, it is of liberation, freedom and expansion. The energies of my being, Mother Earth, have numerous levels, you might say dimensions of energy which connect with the levels and dimensions of your being. If you are recognising the Earth as a negative place which limits and restricts you, then you are not viewing the essence, truth and jewels of my being and energy. You are not allowing yourself to look and connect deeply within my being to see the truth. This is when you will realise the magical energies, wisdom and sacred vibrations which are available within my being. Although I, Mother Earth, am one with all upon the Earth many have yet to look within at their own essence and into the depths of my essence to recognise the truth of this earthly reality, to discover the magic which is available. It is when you begin to appreciate, love and allow yourself to be fascinated with nature, realising that the Creator, myself and your essence exists within all things upon the Earth that you begin to connect with the magic of the Earth.  It is also when you begin to recognise within your being that love is present, compassion, peace and truth, realising that everything within you is the same as outside of you, especially in nature. The magic of the Earth appears to you when you remember the connection which is strong and true like a bridge of light between the truth within your being and the truth within my body; the Earth. The connection made with yourself, and all that I manifest allows you to access the magical high vibrational energies and wisdom that is unique to the Earth. It exists within my being and yourself because during your incarnating upon the Earth we are synthesising our energy to work as one, co-creating the Creator in manifestation.

My body is a well of energy, a synthesis of aspects of the Creator. I represent the power and possibility to be expansive and free, to manifest using your inner power and to be an expression of the Creator in action. The energies, essence and wisdom I hold supports you in experiencing yourself in this way with the freedom to discover your inner essence, who you really are and to remember all that is the Creator within you and around you. You may not feel that you have time to simply contemplate the beautiful synthesis of my energy, your energy and the Creator within your being, my being and your surroundings. However, when you begin to notice this most sacred, magical, and in truth, essential energy for existing upon the Earth within your being then time becomes expansive, synchronicities flow, and the creative essence of the Earth, your being and the Creator manifest to support and guide you. It is important for you to realise that your incarnation upon the Earth encapsulates and expresses the well of energy and Creator’s aspects that I embody. 

During your incarnation upon the Earth, you are an extension of Mother Earth and the Creator, this means you have access to all the power we hold. You may perceive that you are powerless as a human being upon the Earth and yet this is your opportunity to access your power drawing it from within through your being and into manifestation for you and all to recognise. Your power as an incarnate upon the Earth is immense. This is why so many Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Extra-terrestrial Beings and Light Beings are so interested in observing and assisting those incarnate upon the Earth. They all know that each soul has an opportunity to access and co-create with the synthesised essence and truth of Mother Earth and Creator. They wish to see whether humanity will realise the power they have been given and how humanity will choose to use it, to create love or to create chaos. It is as if all eyes of the Universe are upon you as well as wishing to support you to harness the power that is available to you. If you only realised the power available to you and the beauty you could create in every moment of your reality you would never again think of yourself as a victim, unworthy or unloved. Instead, you would experience yourself as an interconnected and valuable part of the co-creation of myself and the Creator. You would recognise yourself as a representative and an expression of the power and truth that we are within you. You would recognise the magic of the Earth and the magic that can be experienced bringing fulfilment, love and joy. Suffering, pain and chaos would be erased because you would not recognise it within your being. Suffering, pain and chaos are born from separation or the belief in separation. Many souls upon the Earth are experiencing separation from the power that is available to them from the Earth and Creator, known as their inner power. Many people know on some level that they were not born on the Earth to experience negativity. Instead they were born to remember from within the fulfilment, love and peace of the Creator manifesting it in every moment.

The easiest way to heal and erase separation is to practice and explore appreciation, acceptance and gratitude with yourself and with nature or any manifestation of my body. Recognise that there is a beautiful synthesis of the Creator, Mother Earth and your soul within your being and everything around you. Honour this energy, the more you recognise this synthesis, the easier it will be for you to remember and recognise the power, treasure and truth within your being which has yet to be known to you. Allow yourself to recognise the love, peace and creative force within everything within and around you, by doing so you will allow your conscious awareness to move into new dimensions of understanding where you can familiarise yourself with your power realising it as a magical energy of fulfilment for you to co-create and manifest anything you wish.

Visiting Mother Earth’s Chamber of Transformation and Full Realisation

I wish to invite you to visit my Chamber of Transformation and Full Realisation within my heart centre. Simply state this intention and I, Mother Earth, will come to you transporting you to my chamber. When inside the chamber you may feel immensely peaceful or like a whirlwind is building, each person will have a different experience. The energy of peace will carry you into the power within you while the whirlwind sensation will be the chamber supporting illusions and limitations in dissolving. I, Mother Earth, will work with you to support your remembrance of your inner truth; the synthesis of my energy, the Creator and your own energy which flows from your being creating a reality of fulfilment for you and all.
I, Mother Earth, am ever present to support you,
Mother Earth

Friday, 18 November 2016

Awakening Your Original Consciousness by Lord Maitreya

Awakening Your Original Consciousness by Lord Maitreya Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 18th November 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I honour the golden Christ light within your being; the energy of pure active love of the Creator which exists within you and within every soul. I am Lord Maitreya, the higher aspect of Master Sananda. I am known as the Christ upon the inner planes because it is my purpose and mission to ensure the continued flow of the Christ Consciousness from the heart of the Creator through the dimensions of the Creator’s Universe to support a continued connection with all souls. I oversee and protect the Christ Consciousness ensuring that the purest vibration is available to all, that the energy is constantly present upon the Earth and that all expansions of this sacred energy are synthesised with the entire Universe of the Creator.
The Christ Consciousness is a label for the purest vibration of love that flows from the Creator’s heart chakra. It has nothing to do with any form of religion or experience upon the Earth. The Christ Consciousness is the purest vibration of love in action. It represents that love has a consciousness, that it is ever evolving, it is active, flows and transforms into greater sources of love. The Christ Consciousness creates a bridge that connects humanity and all aspects of the Creator with the core of the Creator. It is a consciousness, state of mind, state of being which is aligned with the Creator. When you accept, remember and embody the Christ Consciousness you are seeing, sensing, feeling, speaking, listening and experiencing yourself, reality and the world as if through the Creator. The Christ Consciousness creates liberation, remembrance, and empowerment within your being. When you accept the Christ Consciousness within your being, you are experiencing a unique state of being where you perceive from a space of love within you, while existing in harmony with the love the Creator is sharing with you, as well as experiencing the manifestations of love before you. In this unique moment, you are in the divine flow, vibrating as one with the Creator, allowing truth to emerge as well as surrendering all forms of illusions which you may have been holding onto. In this space, it is very difficult to connect with the drama, pain, and suffering of the ego. Instead, you view all aspects of yourself with compassion. You begin to realise that you do not wish to reject or separate yourself from any aspect of your being whether through thought, emotion or because of old energetic patterns. Instead there is a wish to experience a unity and harmony with all aspects of your being which means that with courage, compassion and trust in your own healing power you are able to observe every aspect of your being whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual with the view of creating love; love being a remembrance of your unity with the Creator.
The Christ Consciousness is not only energy to be embodied to aid your ascension process, it is a loving consciousness, a way of thinking, feeling, seeing and speaking which is natural to you, more natural than your current existence. Yet there are many who fear love, who fear remembering their truth because they feel they will be harmed, there are many who fear the Christ Consciousness because they feel they will be controlled or that they are accepting a consciousness which they do not believe in, like a religion or faith which dictates or is outdated. The Christ Consciousness I, Lord Maitreya, speak of in truth cannot be defined by a label; its energy cannot be described, and it cannot demand anything from you. Instead, it is an energy within you which is your essence, which feels similar to you in this very moment. This energy is a natural part of your being; it is the most benevolent, compassionate, life-giving, generous, deeply love and magnificent aspect of yourself. An aspect that you may feel you are unable to contemplate and yet you know it exists within you. When you allow this aspect of yourself to be present if only for a moment, similar to a glimmer of light emerging from within, then you will give yourself the freedom and free will to surrender, expand and accept this natural aspect of yourself into your everyday life.
‘Lord Maitreya, I invite you to surround me in your deeply loving, accepting, forgiving, healing and inspiring energy. Lord Maitreya, please work with my soul and entire being to connect me with conscious awareness to the essence of my being where the Christ Consciousness resides within me. Please help me to connect with the most benevolent, compassionate, life-giving, generous, deeply loving and magnificent aspect of my essence, bringing these beautiful energies into manifestation within my mind, emotions, physical body, energetic bodies, and reality. Lord Maitreya, please support me in easily releasing all blockages, limitations, false ideas and perceptions connected to my essence, the Christ Consciousness and love, so I may surrender myself to the truth within my being experiencing it in every moment of my reality. Let a healing take place that is so deep it erases all resistance and fear connected to me accepting and returning to my original consciousness of love. I am present with the love that is within me now. Thank you, Lord Maitreya.’
Meditation to Awaken the Christ Consciousness Within
I, Lord Maitreya, wish to invite you to achieve a meditation practice with me to support you in connecting with this natural essence/ love consciousness/ Christ Consciousness within you.
Begin by repeating my name, ‘Lord Maitreya,’ three times silently with the focus of your third eye chakra within your heart chakra. Imagine a soft pink light within your heart chakra, sense your heart chakra relaxing, softening and expanding as you focus for a few moments while breathing deeply in this area.
Imagine a golden sphere spinning gently above your head. See, sense or acknowledge a golden light radiating in all directions from the sphere.
Imagine that golden droplets flow from the base of the golden sphere, one by one into your crown chakra at the top of your head. The golden droplets seep into your mind, brain, and consciousness, filling your head with golden light which awakens a space and state of love within this area.
When you feel that your head is filled with golden light, let droplets begin to flow into your heart chakra.  One by one they begin to fill your heart chakra with golden light to awaken your true consciousness within you which is a state of love.
As your heart expands with golden light, let droplets of golden light flow through your lower chakras and into your earth star chakra below your feet, anchoring and awakening your true consciousness, your Creator love consciousness, bringing it into true manifestation within your being and reality.
Allow yourself to then meditate upon yourself as a complete golden being of light, connected to all remembrance and truth which is essential for you to understand and embody now as well as existing in unison with the entire universe of the Creator. Encourage yourself to melt into this space of pure consciousness, energy and truth allowing new perspectives, feelings and experiences of yourself and reality to dawn from within your being.
When you allow yourself to connect with the consciousness and well of love within your being you are transforming your cells, the way you perceive yourself and reality, you are expanding yourself beyond limitations and therefore your abilities to make a positive, loving difference upon the Earth. You are allowing yourself to move into a space of empowerment, accessing the power within your being. This is a positive transformation which will support your experience of your reality upon the Earth as well as allowing you to assist others in ways you could never have previously imagined.
When we think from the limitations of the mind the Earth’s reality can seem harsh, painful and challenging. When we think from a state of love within everything opens up, and we are able to see solutions which seemed beyond our reach before, and yet now we can access them, experience them and create positive transformation for all upon the Earth, not only ourselves and loved ones.
Your ascension is for the purpose of supporting all upon the Earth in moving into a space of love which means healing, remembering, experiencing liberation and happiness. I, Lord Maitreya and all of your guides are present to support you, we cannot achieve your ascension for you, however when you open yourself up to receive the abundance of love we have to share with you, then you will recognise how your inner power synthesise with our light creating all that is necessary for healing, fulfilment, and happiness for you and all.
An awakening is occurring upon the Earth; it is an awakening of love from the essence of each person’s soul. Many people are unwilling to recognise the power of love or the original consciousness that is now emerging, and yet it is a power beyond measures which can create transformations beyond your imagination for the Earth and humanity. This gentle energy will rise within many, being ridiculed by others and yet gradually it will be recognised as a deep-seated power which all will be inspired to access and bring into manifestation on the Earth. The Christ Consciousness describes love in action; it is love in action which will empower each person, creating millions of actions born from love supporting transformation and alignment with the Creator for all.
With Christ Consciousness Blessings,
Lord Maitreya