Channeled through Natalie
Glasson – 4th August 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,
Brilliant blessings upon the Earth,
I recognise you all in this way, you are a blessing to the Earth and all upon
her. Brilliant is your soul and the ascension process you are moving through.
I, Lord Melchizedek, invite you to connect with and observe the brilliance
within your being, the energy, light and consciousness that you are in this
very moment. In doing so you will observe the magical Universe of the Creator
within your being.
As you observe the Universe of
the Creator, meaning all that is the Creator, there is one energy and quality
you will recognise as being ever-present; harmony. Harmony exists within all
aspect of the Creator and between all aspects of the Creator. It is often an
energy which goes unrecognised and yet it is a powerful force that moves
through all. It is important to contemplate the harmony ever-present within the
Universe of the Creator and therefore your own being. Not only will it awaken
harmony within your being, it will guide you as to how to exist naturally in
harmony with everything in your physical reality. Harmony is a natural quality
within your being and soul, and yet sometimes it may feel that the energies
within you and around you are inharmonious. Many people experience disharmony
daily and may not even be aware that they can experience harmony instead.
There are many ways to
encourage the natural vibrations of harmony within your being to awaken and
ground into your entire being. There is a need for you to contemplate in your
own time:
What harmony means to you
Whether you prefer/ are attached to experiencing
drama or harmony within your being and reality
To further aid your
understanding I, Lord Melchizedek wish to share with you:
Why disharmony manifests
How to experience harmony at a physical level
In my opinion, harmony is the
bond that connects all aspects of the Creator as one. It is akin to invisible
golden threads that connect the truth, core and essence of all beings creating
a flow of the Creator’s light, love and consciousness. Harmony is always
present at the core of your being and the core of relationships or your
connection with all aspects of the Creator. Harmony is an eternal bond and
alignment which can never be broken.
Disharmony only manifests when
you distract yourself from recognising the truth within your being.
Distractions are drama, illusions, blockages, limitations and boundaries, in
truth anything that encourages you to ignore the truth of the Creator. If it is
more exciting to experience drama and illusions in your reality then you will
continue to manifest these experiences. There is a need to recognise that
harmony is not boring or mundane, instead it energises, rejuvenates, connects
you with your power and aligns you with your inner wisdom. It is the truth of
your being that is required to be acknowledged.
‘It is safe for me to live in harmony with
myself, the Creator, humanity and my reality.’
Due to many people being
accustomed to disharmony within their being and reality and their acceptance of
disharmony as a way of life, there is a need to reaffirm that it is safe to
live in a state of harmony. Disharmony is familiar, it means that you can hide
yourself, not take responsibility for your actions and exist without inner
observation and transformation. Disharmony encourages and allows you to blame
others and look outside of yourself for answers and guidance. While harmony is
a natural aspect of your essence, in order to embody harmony there is a need to
align with your truth, accept your power, realise that you create your reality,
that you are responsible for your reality and all you require is within you. To
achieve this takes courage, not because it is challenging to be aligned with
your truth and essence, instead due to you letting go of all that is illusion
as well as familiar to you in your physical reality.
The greatest energy within you
which creates disharmony within your being, reality and relationships is fear.
When we recognise that fear is only a reaction of being misaligned with our
inner power and truth, we realise that it has little power. When we connect
into our inner love, power and wisdom, fear dissolves as does disharmony. And
yet disharmony is the result of our fear and can take on many forms, even an
energy of its own developing in our reality. We can recognise that disharmony
in relationships, with self and the world is caused by existing and expressing
from a space of fear, projecting fear and all its other manifestation into the
world. Fear within our beings means that disharmony is present within our mind,
emotions and energy bodies, our inner world reflects into our outer world. This
is a reason why chaos, anger, pain and suffering manifests within the world of
the Earth, causing so many people to abuse others mentally, physically and
emotionally. Often people fear connecting with themselves as a divine loving
powerful being and connecting with others in the same way. It is much easier to
close your heart to yourself and the world than to take actions from an
expansive loving heart.
to Experience Harmony at a Physical Level
‘I live in harmony with all
aspects of the Creator.’
There is a need to observe
what you are projecting into your reality, the world and when you meet or think
of others. Take time in your daily reality to contemplate this. What is
occurring within your being? Are you experiencing fear and disharmony or are
you acknowledging your love and power predominantly? Remember that you do not
have to be in a space of love and power at all times, it is natural to
experience fear, it is simply how you deal with the fear, whether you sink into
it or shift your perspective to love and examine the fear from a space of love.
This requires focus and determination from you. Realise if you are approaching
people, situations or yourself with negativity, this is creating disharmony in
your relationship with the person, situation or yourself. When there is
disharmony there is also a lack of love, trust and acceptance. The flow of the
Creator is limited and supressed.
Allow yourself to approach
every person, situation or even conversation with yourself with the perspective
that you are creating the energy and therefore the outcome. With this
perspective, there is no need to allow your ego to engage with manipulation,
control or dominance. Instead you are deciding what energy you wish to share,
this energy energises and lovingly influences the experience creating an
outcome that is aligned with and a representation of your inner truth. You are
constantly giving and sharing energy, you are constantly creating the world
around you and within you the way you wish it to be whether that is from the
loving centre of your being or the negative programming/ fear based programming
of your subconscious. Now is the time to take responsibility for the energy you
share by creating an intention for your energy with each new situation and
experience in your reality. When something negative occurs what energy do you
normally express (mostly the expression is without words or actions) and what
would you like to express? Each situation will be different. When you connect
with another person be aware of what energy from within your being you express.
Is it loving or fear based? What would you like to express instead?
Rather than the words you say
and the actions you make, although these do express your energy, I wish to
encourage you to engage with your feelings, emotions and reactions within,
observing and acknowledging them with love. Then when you choose the energy
from the core of your being that you wish to express and project instead, take
time to go deep within. Find the energy, feel it build within you, sink into
its embrace and embody the energy. Then allow yourself to project and radiate
the energy from your being to the situation, person or yourself. The original
feeling will dissolve and be replaced by the energy you have activated and
engaged. This will naturally and positively influence your actions and words,
further magnifying the energy within you. Disharmony will dissolve. You will
notice a new sense of harmony within yourself and between yourself and your
outer world. Your inner harmony will activate and expand into all that you are,
supporting many in accessing the same.
You are a source of harmony,
Lord Melchizedek
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