through Natalie Glasson – 24th November 2017 – Original Source:
Sacred School of OmNa
We envelop you in our energy and welcome you into our consciousness; we are the collective energy of
tree beings/spirits. We wish to welcome you into our light, so you may
understand our purpose now during ascension, how we are being of service to Mother Earth and how we can co-create with
you to support deeper awakening for all.
We, the Tree Consciousness wish to guide you as to how to access our energy and
why it is important now.
As physical trees on the Earth,
we represent a bridge between the inner planes and Mother Earth. Our purpose is
to anchor the energy of the divine into the Earth so that Mother Earth and all
who inhabit her may be revitalised by the
light of the Creator. We are healers of the land and clear the areas where we are physically grounded of negative and
limiting energies. It is our purpose to ensure that Mother Earth remains
connected and in the divine flow of the Creator’s energy. We have a direct connection to the inner planes which
emanates from the core of our being into the Earth and her inhabitants. We have
a fountain of spiritual knowledge and understanding which we are open to share with you when you connect with our
and Assisting Blocked Trees
Some trees are asleep; they anchor only a little light into
the Earth, this is often due to being in an area where a great deal of
negativity has been created. The trees
take on the negative energy with the view to transform,
bringing forth the light of the Creator once more. However sometimes the
negative energy is too dense, and the
trees end up taking on the energy unable
to transform it. This is when a tree
appears to be asleep, there is very little energy circulating and radiating
from its core. Sometimes the physical health of the tree can suffer, this is
not always the case. For those of you who enjoy connecting with the energy and
core vibration of trees, we ask you to be
aware of this. If you come across a tree which has very little energy flow and
does not respond to your greetings, this tree requires your help. The negative
energy of its surroundings is swamping it, becoming overloaded and unable to
achieve its purpose.
In these circumstances we
invite you to invoke an energy of your choosing, downloading light into the
tree. Surround the tree or trees in a bubble of light and with your intention
guide the light through the branches and
leaves, if there are any, as well as the roots
until the energy is gathering in the trunk of the tree or trees. Then as if you
are inviting the tree to breathe once
more, let the tree begin to create its own
flow of energy once more, as you simply
hold a vision of the tree surrounded by light. You will notice at some point
that there will be a surge of energy as the tree begins to heal and restore its
being, transforming before your eyes. The tree will also begin to heal, cleanse and transform its
surrounding areas which originally caused
the tree’s energy to close down. We invite you to be of service to us in this way.
United Consciousness of the Trees
All physical trees on the Earth are
connected to the Tree Consciousness which is an aspect and expression of
the Creator. Trees create a network and grid system of light across the entire
Earth. When a tree has closed down and
withdrawn because of being overwhelmed by negative energy in its surrounding
area, this influences the grid system
causing a blockage in the flow of Tree Consciousness and limiting the ability
of all trees in connecting and communicating with each other.
The united Tree Consciousness can be
accessed through connection with trees on the Earth or through
connecting with our energy on the inner planes. When a connection is made, then you can access our wisdom,
downloading our knowledge and perspective of the Earth and ascension. We remind
you of the united consciousness of the trees because it is an important energy to support humanity in
accessing their united consciousness. We, trees, are synthesised and
connected to each other, although on the Earth we appear as singular physical beings we are one. The more
trees you connect with, the more you will realise that each tree may express
themselves in different ways and seem to have characters of their own. However, you will realise you are connecting with the same energy, consciousness and
truth. You may also realise that we have
the same mission, purpose and reason for being upon the Earth. It is exactly the same for humanity. You are all the
same energy with different expressions; you
have a united consciousness, purpose and reason for being upon the Earth. You
all receive the same energy and wisdom.
You are present to support each other, giving and receiving support. Can you
imagine that your ultimate purpose and reason for existing on the Earth is the
same as everyone else? Humanity is strong when connecting with their united
consciousness, the energy of oneness and eternal
the United Consciousness of the Trees
We, the Tree Consciousness,
wish to encourage you to ask to connect into the Tree Consciousness, with a
focus on recognising our united consciousness. You may ask a physical tree to assist
you with this or connect with us
energetically during meditation. As you experience the Tree Consciousness
flowing over and through your being, allow yourself to experience the energy of
unity and oneness that is present. You may recognise it as a strong inner force that brings you to your
centre and expands your awareness of all that is around and within you. Our
Tree Consciousness may demonstrate to you the vast connection of all trees, how it supports Mother Earth and all. Our greatest wish is that our energy activates your
own ability to connect with the many and
diverse levels of united consciousness
within your being. You are connected and
as one with all being, this creates
numerous fountains of wisdom and understanding that you can draw upon. You may come to realise your own connection with the Tree Consciousness, how
we are the same, a part of the same energy and source. It is easy for you to
merge with us, the Tree Consciousness, and for us to merge with you as being
connected to the consciousness of humanity, your soul, soul group, the Ascended
Masters, Angelic Beings and so forth. When you expand your awareness and access the treasured energy of
unity within you, everything begins to make sense;
you feel centred, grounded and fulfilled. We invite you to contemplate
the energy of unity that all experience as a tool to discover yourself and the Creator more fully.
the Diamond Centre
At the base of a tree’s trunk
and the beginning of its roots is a well of energy and source of light. This is the vitality of the Tree’s Spirit, its
essence and core. When a tree allows you to access its source, you will notice it is akin to a liquid light or a vast
expansive pool of energy. Its beauty is immense, and it truly demonstrates the flow of the divine Creator. Within this source, you will discover much. There is a deep
ruby red crystal which holds great power. The crystal
holds the foundations of the tree and the
Tree Consciousness. It acts as the stability, grounding and centring energy of
the tree. Each tree holds the same
crystal, each crystal is connected, and
energy flows through them.
We, the Tree Consciousness,
wish to invite you to support us in activating the crystal within all trees
with the purpose of grounding new codes and energy from the purest vibration of
our energy. This is to support the trees
in their mission upon the Earth while also anchoring sacred vibrations of
stability, grounding and centring into the Earth and therefore humanity. We
have been guided by the Creator to emanate stability,
grounding and centring so that humanity may adopt and awaken this within themselves. Thus the spiritual vibration of all
will rise, allowing more light to be anchored.
‘Tree Consciousness, I invite
your energy and light to flow through my being now. I wish to access your
energy of unity and become one with the Tree Consciousness. With your permission, I ask to be made aware of the
millions of deep ruby red crystals present upon the Earth within each physical tree. May these crystals become one,
which is their natural state. I now receive this crystal first into my heart
chakra where I shower it with love. Then
I place it in my root chakra and invite you to anchor through my being the
energy and light you wish to penetrate the crystal with, in order to create the necessary activation and
the emanation of stability, grounding and centring. My purpose as I am connected to the Tree Consciousness is to
nurture and nourish the qualities of the crystal. Please support and guide me
as to how you wish me to be of service. ‘
When you feel
the process is complete, surrender the crystal and return it to the Tree
Consciousness and all trees through stating an intention. Then
with a silent request, invite humanity to accept the energy of stability,
grounding and centring, as well as the new energetic codes the trees are now
emanating. Take a moment to breathe in
the energy radiating from all trees
around the world, let yourself receive.
In unity and oneness,
The Tree Consciousness
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