Friday, 16 March 2018

The Healing Power of Your Inner Truth by Cosmic Logos Mahatma

The Healing Power of Your Inner Truth by Cosmic Logos Mahatma
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 16th March 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
To awaken is to remember, to remember is to see, sense or acknowledge, this is an inner knowingness which is often indescribable and yet it can be expressed in numerous unique ways and forms. To know is not to be wise or enlightened, it is to communicate in the means that is appropriate for you with the presence of the Creator within and around you. When you truly communicate, you are existing in harmony with the Creator experiencing balance, peace and love, in truth all that is the Creator. To do so allows you to recognise not only the Creator, who you truly are as an expression and deliverer of the Creator. Your truth is not personal to you; it is an aspect of the Creator your highest self has chosen to channel or deliver forth into the world to interact with others.
Your experiences, memories, painful and happy situations of your past, past lifetimes, present and even future are your creation determined by whether you were focused upon your truth or distracted elsewhere during your creation and experience of the creation in every moment of your life. Some situations and reactions you know would be different, or the results would be changed if you had been connected or focused upon the presence of the Creator delivering forth through your being.
There may be certain situations, experiences or actions of your past, present or that you foresee in the future which remain within your being as painful energies that cause turmoil or you to ignore what is occurring. If unresolved these energies can remain within you your entire lifetime. I, Mahatma, the Cosmic Logos, wish to share with you an insight which may support you in releasing yourself from these burdens while also reconnecting yourself with the beautiful energy of the Creator being delivered through you in this lifetime. The key is to reconnect with the presence of the Creator being delivered through your being; your truth and then allowing yourself to see, sense or acknowledge the Creator through the eyes of your truth. This process will invite you to ask how would your inner truth resolve this situation, experience, pain or whatever you are holding onto? Your inner truth knows how to release limiting energies and the healing that requires to be brought forth. When you engage with your inner truth, giving it power to achieve what is necessary you take the power away from your mind and ego, who will try to resolve situations through the knowledge of your past. Your inner truth will resolve energies you are holding onto by using the highest frequencies of healing, wisdom and divine insights to support you in achieving all that is needed. Thus, the greatest healing possible is available to you, a healing which is transformational. 
It is important to open to these energies and the divine assistance which is ready and waiting for you to receive at this time of ascension. The powerful ascension waves are causing many limiting energies to come to the surface to be released at a quick rate. It is challenging and sometimes overwhelming to deal with this without divine assistance. You are never alone in your ascension and life upon the Earth; your healing can be as quick, powerful and easy as the ascension waves anchoring into the Earth. Surrendering to your inner truth and the energies you are delivering forth from the Creator allows you evolve at a quicker rate.
Often when souls upon the Earth are impatience for their spiritual senses to awaken, their creations to manifest, their healing abilities to awaken or something like this, the impatience is a symptom of needing to surrender to divine assistance in order for limitations to be released and the outcome they desire to manifest. They know they are not far from embodying that which they wish and subconsciously know that limitations need to be released. The opposite to impatience is contentment; contentment comes when you access your inner truth and allow yourself to be an embodiment of this.
Delivering the Energies of the Creator
I, Mahatma, the Cosmic Logos wish you to imagine that you are the central character of a fantasy cartoon. In this cartoon anything is possible. As the central character, you have a mission to visit the Creator, the Essence, Source, God or whatever label you wish to use. You travel in the most appropriate style for your cartoon until you reach the Creator. There you take a moment to absorb how the Creator is portrayed in your cartoon. You walk up to the Creator, and you ask the Creator to give to you and share with you the energy and aspect of the Creator that is most appropriate for you to deliver through you into the Earth and humanity. In the most magical way, as can happen in cartoons, the Creator shares with you this energy, wisdom and understand that is for you to deliver through you and which is also labelled your inner truth. Take a moment to imagine and experience this.
I, Mahatma, have invited you to imagine connecting with your inner truth and the energy your higher self has chosen to deliver from the Creator in cartoon form, so you do not go about the task with the energy of seriousness. The energy your inner truth responds to is playfulness and light-heartedness. You may wish to experience this process many times, so you understand and become familiar with the energy of your truth flowing through your being, recognising the qualities and wisdom it promotes within you.
Releasing Limitations
The more you take time to connect with and familiarise yourself with the energies the Creator delivers through your being, the easier this next process will become. The key is to connect with your inner truth and allow yourself to view any limitations with and through the energy of your inner truth. In doing so you realign your entire being to your inner truth and reconnect the energy that is experiencing separation, so it may transform letting go of the pain or suffering being held within the energy and allowing love and truth to form. This is such a beautiful process as it can be achieved with relative ease and in a quick time.
1.    First take the attention of your mind to your inner truth, the energy of the Creator being delivered through your being. Allow yourself to connect into this energy, so you feel yourself as an embodiment of your truth.
2.    Continuing to connect with your inner truth, the core of your inner truth is revealed to you; this appears as a single eye of light blazing brightly. Imagine you are looking or observing the areas of energy causing limitations within your being through your inner eye. Light is being projected from your inner truth eye to the area of limitations you are focused upon within your being.
3.    Your inner truth eye of light absorbs the energy that is causing limitations, pain, suffering, challenges etc.; this energy is a part of your being that is experiencing separation. The separation is absorbed into your inner eye of truth, so the separation may transform.
4.    Allow your inner truth and knowingness to reveal to you the best way to move forth to bring about the complete healing and resolve the issue you have focused upon on all levels of your being, especially physically and within your physical reality.
I am ever present to assist and inspire you.
In cosmic love,

Mahatma, the Cosmic Logos

Friday, 9 March 2018

What is Love? by Master Kuthumi

What is Love? by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 9th March 2018 -  Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
The question, ‘What is love?’ is of equivalent value, meaning and depth as ‘What is the Creator?’ or ‘What is the meaning of life?’ In fact, these three questions invite you to explore beyond yourself into an unknown space where deep knowingness can be accessed. They lead you along a journey of exploration gathering your focus into the core of All That Is. You question how all that is known on the Earth comes to creation and manifestation, why we act and react in certain ways and what existence really is. Some souls do not even risk asking such questions while for others there is no earthy life without the presence and exploration of these questions.
That which we all seek cannot be labelled or explained and yet we can grasp a deep-seated familiarity and connection when we exist with awareness in the heart chakra. Every soul seeks in one form or another the Creator, whether they label it Allah, God, All Mighty, Source, Essence, nature, fulfilment or something else.
The greatest statement we can all resonate with is, ‘the Creator is love and love is the Creator.’ It is in the meaning of these words that you may find an understanding that sits beautifully within your being, heals and fulfils while gifting to you the freedom to be the truth and reality of your inner consciousness. Through contemplation not only will you allow yourself to touch the truth of love and the Creator within your being, you will touch the same within another, within every being in existence with you.
Love Defined
Love has many explanations; every soul can define love through the eyes they choose to perceive through. Love has numerous levels of engagement. Love exists within friendship, respect, romantic relationships, kindness, families, strangers, passion, patience and care. Love exists in the harsh words of another to protect what they treasure, within the mother who gives her child away in hope of a better life than she had, or the homeless person who risked everything to help others. Love is not always pretty or kind, in fact love has so many faces and facets, so many stories and expressions. An expression and explanation of what love is only describes one atom of the body and source of love.
Love is ever present, eternal, enduring, empowering and truthful, it is nameless and yet it can be embodied and expressed in millions of ways. Love is present within everything and everyone, love is the Creator in action through you. That which you see, feel and experience in your everyday life as love is born from a source so great, abundant and expansive, its power is immense. You are constantly accessing the source of love and bringing it into embodiment within your being and life. Although you neglect to notice that you were born from the source of love, that is the Creator, you are everything that love is, and so you have the ability to bring forth the abundant source of love. Rather than sharing droplets of love share waves of love. Rather than holding onto love, let it soar and fly as free as a bird. Realise that you are what you seek, you are love. You are naturally the supreme magnificence of love, it is your purpose to be the expansive connection through which the divine body of love flows, a love that is beyond the human perception of love and yet filters into every aspect of human life.
Love is present for you to experience as you wish. Your thoughts, visions, perceptions and dreams influence the love you experience on all levels of your being and the abundance of love you draw and embody from the Creator.
Love Is Unknown
When you connect with love, you connect with the limitless unknown beauty of love. To do so means you must courageously step through fear and embrace all that you have yet to realise about yourself and the Creator. It is within the unknown that you discover the wisdom of love, the language and knowledge that love is. This wisdom and knowledge speaks to you, through you often and yet you may still be seeking to understand all it shares. The wisdom of love is unpredictable and yet it always guides your way, revealing to you enlightenment and understanding, even in moments of chaos and fear. It is through the wisdom of love that we can glimpse the identity of love in the way it speaks through us and to us.
It is your own perceptive of what love is that is of most importance, especially when this perceptive is born from a space of love and truth within your being. If you can know and recognise love within your being, meaning your infinite connection with all that is the Creator, which engages with you and through you, then you will begin to understand the presence of love. You will also recognise love within everything and everyone around you. You will see the different faces, forms and expressions of love, which will allow you to comprehend the source or body of love of the Creator. You will access your power, truth and self-acceptance. You will become empowered, inspired and healed. The limitations and boundaries of your life and existence will diminish allowing you to explore the space and unknown energy of love within your body, mind, emotions, friendships and reality. Love is an exploration of the Creator, it is an internal remembrance of truth that can be expressed and experienced a million times a day. It is in any form of love that you can speak to the Creator and hear the Creator speak back to you.
Love is the communion of the Creator within you and all.
Contemplation of Love
As I have said, I, Master Kuthumi, can only explain love from my own perspective. I wish to encourage you to continue your exploration of what love is. In doing so I am inviting you to commune with the Creator within you and bring the truth of the Creator into embodiment. I am inviting you to reconnect yourself to the abundant body and source of love that is the Creator, realising your connection and embodiment is eternal. I am inviting you to realise that as you evolve spiritually so your understanding of all forms and manifestations of love evolve. You shift your perspective to see through the eyes of the Creator.
I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to contemplate in meditation or quiet time what your own personal and current perception of love is. Take time with kindness and patience to allow this inner perspective to unfold.
In addition, I, Master Kuthumi, encourage you to ask within to view and grasp what love is when viewing through the eyes of the Creator. The Creator has a perception and view of love which you can access and embody through a simple request. The more you merge your perceptions with the Creator to understand and embody love the more you embody the love of the Creator, recognising the same within yourself and others. No longer do you seek love, instead you wish to awaken the realisation of love within others and understand their unique view and perception of love, therefore allowing you to access the vast body and source of love that is the Creator.
I encourage you to explore the question, ‘What is love?’ Let it rest within your being and awaken the truth present within you. You are more than you could possibly imagine.
In eternal love,

Master Kuthumi

Friday, 2 March 2018

Harnessing the Power of Oneness by the Holy Family Consciousness

Harnessing the Power of Oneness by the Holy Family Consciousness
Channelled through Natalie Glasson -  2nd March 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, we are the consciousness of the Holy Family, the souls who supported and partook in the mission led by many such as Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Grandmother Anna, Sar’h and so forth. We are thousands of beings sharing our consciousness now with you. We all played an integral role from the Earth and the inner planes in the major ascension shift which took place during that time upon the Earth. Many believe there were only key souls who instigated powerful shifts and upliftment of energy for all, the entire world in fact. There was a need for many souls to add their power, knowledge and to share the divine guidance given to them by the Creator. The souls whom you see as leading the ascension mission were the links that held us all together. Joining our power in oneness as they reminded us of our unity with all. We are the sick which were healed, those who were inspired and those from the inner planes.
We, the consciousness of the Holy Family, remind you that ascension cannot be achieved by you or any other being alone. Ascension is a remembrance of the truth of the Creator and most importantly a recollection of the power of unity and oneness. We realise that many of you are trying to achieve your ascension alone, maybe hiding yourself away in meditation or feeling that your ascension is personal only to you. This is to encourage the ego in its belief in separation, especially separation with the Creator.
Supporting Energies of Oneness
When one soul raises their vibration, every other aspect of the Creator is influenced in a positive and loving way. This does not mean that there is a need for you to work alone and in doing so, you will support the spiritual evolution of all. Instead, you can further harness the power of oneness and unity which is gifted to you by realising that if you engage with many souls to support your ascension, a powerful source of energy is created which impacts all aspects of the Creator in beautiful, awe-inspiring ways. Connection with others at a physical level is helpful, connection with others at an energetic level is breathtakingly powerful.
When you hold an intention for yourself, others or a situation, you are meditating or achieving a spiritual practice, simply calling upon the energies of others to support you and to join with you, will magnify all your experience and the greater impact upon ascension. Below is a list of energies you can merge with in order to harness the power of unity:
·         The vibration, frequency and consciousness of your entire being including your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well as highest aspects of your being.
·         The wholeness of your soul and soul group.
·         The highest vibration of the Creator before the source of the Creator which is often labelled your Mighty I Am Presence.
·         The Creator.
·         Your Community of Guides or Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Goddess Being and so forth, that you favour and feel a strong bond with.
·         Angels who are linked to the intention you have created, such as if you wish to experience peace you could call upon the Angels of Peace. There are groups of angels devoted to every quality of the Creator, for example, Angels of Fun, Joy, Laughter, Divine Flow, Meditation, Relationships and so forth.
·         The highest consciousness and support of those upon the inner planes and the Earth who wish to manifest the same as you.
·         Mother Earth is available to merge with your energy to support anything that will aid the spiritual evolution of all beings upon the Earth and the Earth herself.
·         The highest consciousness of civilisations who have already achieved that which you are focusing upon.
·         The Divine Plan energy and source of the highest and purest vibration which serves all.
·         The animal, plant, mineral, crystalline kingdoms and so forth.
We, the Holy Family Consciousness bring your awareness to the understanding that you are never alone and there are always energies, support and aspects of your Creator you can call upon to work with you. This would result in not only your ascension accelerating with ease, perfection and speed; you would also be creating a powerful service to all.
Calling in Support
During our existence upon the Earth, we were guided to constantly call upon numerous beings, energies and consciousness especially from energetic realms to enhance our focus. The more we achieved this, the more power we were able to access and gift to others to aid their awakening. Each miracle experienced and achieved by the members of the Holy Family you are familiar with, were made possible by the power we all engaged and drew into manifestation. Imagine one soul calling upon and merging with different aspects of the Creator, then imagine thousands of souls achieving the same and directing the energy into a singular focus. This is how ascension occurs. Often it seems that beings upon the inner planes instigate the ascension shifts. However, it is a co-creation or merge of power with one focus from those upon the Earth and the inner planes. You have a divine role to play, and you are the instigator of the merge of power. As a physical being, you are the anchor, the link that bonds the energy of the Creator. You are also the expression through which manifestation occurs. It is important to realise you are equal to all those upon the inner planes; you simply are achieving a different role upon the Earth, this does not mean that you are less of a spiritual being in any way. It does, however, mean that you have the mission of discovering how to work in harmony, oneness and truth with all aspects of the Creator upon the Earth and the inner planes to bring forth the power of the Creator.
To call for the support and unification of any aspect of the Universe of the Creator, you may simply follow a few steps:
1.    Decide upon your intention. What do you wish to achieve or experience?
2.    Decide or follow your inner guidance as for the energy or energies you wish to call upon to support you and to merge with you.
3.    In your own words call upon those you feel guided to connect with, to link with your energies and merge their light, love, support and consciousness for the highest good to assist you and all aspect of the Creator.
4.    Take a moment to breathe deeply and experience the energy of those you have called upon lending their energy and merging with your being. In truth, you embody all they share with you. You become a greater wholeness of the Creator, accessing the power of unity.
5.    Now achieve the intention you created in step one, whether it was a meditation, spiritual practice, activation, healing for self or others, in truth, anything.
6.    After completing the intention, thank those you called upon and the power they have gifted to you through their unity. Then focus on grounding yourself in a way that is most appropriate for you.
Remember that you are never alone, and you never have to do anything alone, whether you are achieving something physical like a job interview or spiritual like connecting with your soul. It is time for lightworkers to access and experience the power we, the Holy Family Consciousness, accessed. It is time for you to realise that you have the power to accelerate the ascension of all through the simple things you do each day.
In love and encouragement,
The Holy Family Consciousness