Friday, 27 January 2017

Embodying Your Ultimate Relationship with the Creator by Mary Magdalene

Embodying Your Ultimate Relationship with the Creator by Mary Magdalene
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 27th January 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I, Mary Magdalene, come forth with immense love for you and all of humanity. Love is my role, purpose and gift that I wish to give to humanity, inspired by my connection and divine relationship with the Creator. As Ascended Masters upon the inner planes, our service to humanity and the Earth is inspired by our personal connection with and experience of the Creator. Everything that we are and do is inspired by our remembrance of the integration of our soul with the Creator. As I bring forth to you my love, I place bouquets of the most beautiful and serene flowers, shimmering and glistening with light, at your feet. While this is a symbol of the love I share with you, it is also a portal or gateway of light that encourages you to explore my synthesis with the Creator as well as your own.
Many a lifetime you have walked upon the Earth journeying to remember your true and eternal embrace with the Creator. These journeys have shared numerous insights into the limitations of humanity as well as the abundance of Creator truth. Whether you realise it or not you already see through the illusions of the Earth, you already know all you feel you need to and you already are everything that you wish to be spiritually. Now is the time to realise that your journey continues, however it is awakening into a new stage of awareness, a time when you no longer seek, no longer try to achieve and give away your power. You are existing in a period of your ascension which has been long awaited, a time when all that is needed is for you to recognise yourself in your full beauty and the blissful nature that is your truth, power and natural existence. This is a time when you allow yourself to become everything you know yourself to be. I, Mary Magdalene, can share with you that you are a being beyond limitations, a heart which has the capacity to love fully and eternally, you are a soul which has full understanding of all that is the Creator, as well as being able to recognise yourself as not existing as a being, person or even form. You are light, love and peace, yet even these are labels and forms which distract you from your truth. As I share with you all that you are, I will say that it is only you who can truly access and understand your truth. Discovering who you are on a limitless scale can be accessed and experienced when you explore, recognise and consciously embody your relationship with the Creator, your true and ultimate relationship with the Creator.
Every part of your ascension now is leading you to remember your ultimate relationship with the Creator. You are allowing yourself to see, sense and acknowledge your truth, which is the synthesis of the Creator, because you understand and have explored fully all that is the Earth, especially the habits of humanity. Many of you observe the habits of those around you and yourself with a sense of familiarity. You may even feel that you can predict what will occur in a person’s life even from the small actions or habits they continue to make. You have studied many human beings, you have gained an expansive and compassionate understanding of the limitations, lack and suffering that humanity fall into. Most importantly you have studied and observed yourself. You understand what needs to be let go of and what requires to be embraced, whether your spiritual awakening feels new in this lifetime or not. In truth, everything about the Earth feels familiar to you, whether you are conscious of this or not. You are able to recognise that everything that encourages you to experience limitations, lack and suffering is a pattern, a distraction and a familiar experience which hinders you from recognising your truth. These experiences hold you back from remembering all that you are, which is your sacred and ultimate relationship with the Creator while propelling you forward and offering tools to access deep-seated knowledge that allows you to understand humanity fully. Your ascension now invites you to recognise that you already understand the nature of humanity, you already experience a divine relationship with the Creator, there is simply a need for both to become a conscious and continuous presence in your physical reality upon the Earth.
Understanding Your Relationship with the Creator Through Mary Magdalene
Through receiving my energy, Mary Magdalene, you will support yourself in remembering your own sacred relationship, union and synthesis with the Creator.
‘Mary Magdalene, please come forth and surround me in your truthful, loving energy. As I breathe in and accept your presence with me, I know that I am ready, willing and able to connect with my true self, to remember my truth and to become fully conscious of my synthesis, merging and integration with the Creator. I allow myself to access my truth now. In doing so, I assist myself in accessing the vast knowledge I have gained by observing myself and humanity through numerous lifetimes. My heart chakra and higher heart chakra are open channels bringing forth all the understanding and embodiment I require to aid my ascension and self-realisation at this moment. Mary Magdalene, I know that as I commune with your energy, so I connect with and understand my own truth with greater depth, knowingness and faith. Thank you.’
Identify and Explore Your Relationship with the Creator
Recognising and experiencing the eternally compassionate loving nature of your soul present in your heart chakra, entire being and even in those around you encourages you to identify and explore your relationship with the Creator. At this time your heart chakra wishes to expand more than you could possibly imagine, while memories of limitations, lack and suffering held within your heart wish to come to the surface of your heart chakra so that the truth they hold can be accepted fully by you. Memoires of limitations, lack, suffering and fear are often acknowledged by you as being or creating pain, distress and anguish. This may have been the case at one stage, however, you have retained these memories in your heart chakra for a very specific reason. Each memory is a key that allows you to unlock and remember your compassionate observation and study of yourself and others. Each memory offers vital information to fully understand the habits of the Earth and her humanity, to see through illusions and to realise the patterns that are present. Patterns which seem to be negative experiences or situations, however, they hold wisdom which allows you to accept your power and to remember your eternal union with the Creator. Currently, it is as if you have accepted a perspective which encourages you to recognise illusion rather than truth. When you allow yourself to see beyond the patterns of limitations, lack and suffering that occur in your life and others, you allow yourself to gain a new perspective. This new perspective, we could say is the ultimate perspective. You have been waiting to reunite with this perspective through numerous lifetimes; it is your perception of yourself as your expansive form in complete union with the Creator.
Let your heart be as loving as it wishes to be, allow memories of pain, suffering, fear and limitations to rise recognising the truth and divine wisdom they remind you of. The synthesis of these two experiences will prepare you for exploring and remembering your divine relationship with the Creator.
Contemplating Your Relationship with the Creator
Take time to explore and contemplate your relationship with the Creator. I, Mary Magdalene, share with you some questions which you can use as points of exploration and self-observation during meditation.
What is the Creator?
What do I feel or think about my connection with the Creator?
What do I feel, sense or think the Creator’s connection with me is or is like?
Am I truly deserving of having a relationship with the Creator?
What do I experience, sense or acknowledge when I focus upon my synthesis/merging with the Creator? Alternatively, when I repeat the affirmation, ‘I am synthesised as the Creator.’
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions; they are simply portals of exploration to encourage you to access that which limits you and the expansive truth of yourself as the Creator.
Meditation for Enhancing Your Awareness of Your Relationship with the Creator
During meditation allow yourself to invite the Creator to surround you completely in the purest Creator frequency of light available to you now.
As you feel the Creator embracing you, recognise that within you is a beacon of light so profoundly beautiful, this is also the Creator. 
Let the beacon of light within you merge with the embrace of light of the Creator that surrounds you. Observe the energy, light, wisdom or knowingness that forms from this simple synthesis.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that within your being and through the beacon of light within you there is a higher, purer presence of the Creator. Allow yourself to merge your energies and light with this aspect of the Creator. Observe what occurs as this will allow you to recognise the qualities, feelings, sensation and even words or wisdom that express and explain to you your relationship with the Creator.
I, Mary Magdalene, am present to be of service to you in realising your relationship with the Creator, it is an essential aspect of ascension now.
We are one eternally,
Mary Magdalene

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