through Natalie Glasson – 3rd February 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
We, the Venus Beings, as one,
come forth to share our essence and truth with you. We are always honoured to
be in your presence and to recognise the truth your essence embodies. We are now bringing forth the second phase of the
anchoring and integration of Venus energy with Mother Earth. In 2016, you,
humanity and Mother Earth embodied, accepted and recognised a deepening
presence of love within yourself and the world around you. Many of you worked
with our energy because of your wish to exist within a reality of love and for
all to experience the same. Your compassion for humanity and Mother Earth is
immense, and why you are upon the Earth at this time to experience the Venus
Ascension Shifts, as well as many other ascension activations which are taking
place constantly due to the acceleration
of vibration of all. Your natural ability to be compassionate to those around
you, your wish to help and be of service at an energetic or physical level
means that your heart chakra is constantly
opening, you are a conduit of light and love as well as holding the skills to
support the ascension of others upon the Earth. You have so many skills and
abilities which to you seem unimportant or are so much a natural aspect of your
being that you do not even recognise their value. We, the Venus Beings, wish to
share with you that all that you are in
this moment is more than enough to assist you in being of service and
supporting the ascension of the Earth and humanity. Many believe they must have
fantastical spiritual skills to be of service to the Creator on the Earth and
the inner planes. The truth is that you already do, it is simply that at this
moment you are reluctant to recognise how well equipped you are for your
journey upon the Earth.
Is Your Power
During the second phase of the
energies of Venus anchoring into the Earth and humanity,
there may be many areas that we will encourage you to focus upon to support
your alignment with the energies grounding and being
created. At this time we wish to encourage
you to explore and contemplate the natural, already present and fascinating
aspects of your being. While many souls upon the Earth may require your
guidance, support or assistance, we know you will share what is needed as
guided, however, bring your focus back to
yourself because essentially everything
begins with you. It is time to recognise your compassionate nature, to recognise that you do have a natural
willingness to support others whether they are people, animals, nature or other
aspects of Mother Earth. The more you access, recognise, acknowledge and honour
this aspect of yourself, recognising
compassion as your super power, the more you will discover the power of your
compassion. Realising how open and expansive your heart chakra is, how much
love you have to give and that your love powerfully impacts the realities of
others. This is a very important realisation because it returns you to your power and
aligns you to the Universe of the Creator. Thus
you expand into the magnificent being that you naturally are. Compassion and
the energy you exude becomes your power,
strength and tool to support others and yourself.
Your Amazing Qualities
Compassion can only be shared
from a space of strength when you are
focusing upon yourself or within your
being. A person is unable to be compassionate at an advanced level if they do
not realise and recognise their own truth
first, as well as the abundance they have to give. When you gaze within your
being with a willingness to recognise
your truth you reveal to yourself your natural
amazing abilities. Skills that you may have taken for granted as your
personality because they have been present since childhood. It is now time to
recognise who you truly are and what you have to give and share with others
from within you. We, the Venus Beings, do not mean to recognise who you are as a spiritual being, such as where you are
from, your soul group or even the name of your soul. We wish for you to
discover who you are right now in this present moment of your life, what you have to give and the natural abilities you
hold. We wish for you to realise in a humble and self-loving way how amazing
you are and that you are already fully equipped at
this moment to be of service in the most magical and wonderful way, that is unique and personal to you. When you are
willing to recognise your gifts and that you are a unique gift to the Earth, as
is every being, then you will access your inner power, will work in harmony
with the Creator and further explore the depths of your abundant light with
ease and perfection. In truth, the accelerated ascension you wish to achieve
spiritually would manifest instantly.
Here are examples of the gifts and skills you may
possess: to make other’s feel at ease, see beyond problems and how they can be
resolved, promote happiness, be a calming influence, exude joy, kindness,
inspire, be creative, awaken spiritual senses, heal, comfort and so forth.
With the task and focus we are
pointing you to, we, the Venus Beings, know you will learn to awaken your natural
capacity for self-love, which is love for the Creator within and all the ways
that the Creator manifests, without any form of judgment or expectations of how
the Creator should be. Your deep self-love will become your power, strength and
core centre, as it is already, however, you will be able to truly recognise, experience and know this.
Gradually exploring and understanding the amazing qualities and gifts you hold
will allow you to accept your inner power, the presence of love and the power
or impact of true Creator love which
exists naturally within your being. These are the key focus points and purposes
for the Venus second phase of anchoring into the Earth. While to accept your
inner power, to accept love and the power
of love seems in one light simple and in another challenging, a greater
embodiment of love will be experienced within by all. The two areas we have
spoken about, exercising your compassion and discovering whom you are in this moment of embodiment, meaning the beautiful qualities and
skills you may share without doubting yourself will encourage you to realise
your inner power, love and the power of love.
In The Presence Of Love
There are
many levels that guide you to embodiment
of love, the love of the Creator. You are already an embodiment of love there is simply a need for you to recognise
this. Your love is an immense, abundant, completely
awesome, wise and powerful source of energy within you which is aligned with every aspect of the Universe of
the Creator and the Creator. Each experience of self-realisation you encourage
and accept, the more you begin to realise the power within you. With recognition of the power within you comes the
need to explore and recognise how this power or love can assist you, your
reality, humanity and the Earth in the most wonderful,
inspiring and truth awakening way. You are at a stage of love embodiment where you
already recognise that love exists within you, now is the time to truly realise
that love is your ultimate power and can influence the reality you experience in major ways. It is now time for you to
explore how the powerful love within you
can assist your reality, support others and aid the Earth’s greater embodiment
of love. You may realise that we are inviting you to TRUST in the power of love
within you and the magical way it can create beauty, abundance and all you
require in your life.
To TRUST in the presence of
love within you is the ultimate aim for
the second phase of Venus energy anchoring.
‘I TRUST in the presence of
love within me now.’
Allow this simple affirmation
to become your meditation as you repeat it silently focusing upon your higher
heart chakra above your heart chakra at your chest area. Let this simple affirmation be a central focus to which you
return to often as a familiar remembrance
and acknowledgement that brings you back to your truth and alignment. The
meditation only needs to be experienced for a few minutes or until you engage
with the presence of love within you. It can act as an experience of and
alignment to yourself and our energies, the Venus Beings. Please call upon us to be present with you each time you
experience this meditation as we will also download codes, templates and wisdom
of our love into your being and awareness.
When you
trust in the presence of love within you, how it is powerful and can align your
reality, so experiences of love manifest, you are allowing yourself to be in
the flow of the divine Creator, to receive guidance and support, to co-create
with the Creator and to know that you are constantly and absolutely supported
by the Creator. It is as if you are carried forth, supported, secure, safe, your needs met and your
experiences blissful. This is what we wish for you. It is nothing new, simply
your natural existence which we wish to
remind you of so you may experience your powerful
harmony with the Creator.
In eternal love and trust,
The Venus Beings
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