through Natalie Glasson – 31st March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I, Master Serapis Bey, am
holding the Ascension light for you now. I do so in order to assist you in the next phase of your ascension. With
the presence of your soul more fully embodied within your being and merging
with your personality, a deep and thorough
cleansing is being activated.
Purification and cleansing are common in your ascension process; each new revelation invites you to let go of old energies,
habits or perspectives in order to make
space for the new realisations to be embodied.
To be embodied = to fully
realise and experience within your physical body and earthly reality.
The cleansing and purification
process I speak of is greater because it is awakening a new phase of awareness,
connection with the Creator and connection with all. It is a new beginning of united consciousness which is dawning within
your being and is the next phase of your ascension.
United consciousness =
experiencing, feeling and knowingness of being connected to the Creator and all
that is the Creator.
When we experience united
consciousness, we are experiencing a
natural energy and ability which exists within our beings; it is the ability to exist
without separation of any form. Our natural
existence is to be energetically connected
to everything and everyone, this is when we experience our truth, feel the
presence of the Creator more deeply and are
aligned with the divine flow of the Creator. The earthly reality seems to create the opposite as it encourages
separation. Even the presence of your physical body seems to amplify feelings of separation. However, your physical
body was created to support you in
experiencing your natural united consciousness, rather than amplifying experiences of separation from
others and the Creator.
Physical body = a vehicle for
your light body to exist within at an earthy level. One of its purposes is to
amplify your inner reality.
Your physical body is magnifying
your inner reality into your outer
reality. Your inner reality is composed of your thoughts, feelings, perspectives,
memories, skills, wounds and how you feel about yourself. Through numerous
civilisations feelings of separation from
the Creator and all that is the Creator have grown, so much so that separation
is now a strong, powerful and energised
feeling, experience and reality within and outside of many people. The
experience of separation has become active and energised within. As one of the
purposes of the physical body is to amplify the inner reality, so separation is one of the main energies that each person’s physical body is magnifying and
projecting into their reality for experience.
Therefore, it seems as if the physical body is creating an experience of separation because in your body you are
separate from everyone, when it is simply projecting your inner reality into your
perspectives and view of the world.
experience of separation = an unwillingness to see, sense or acknowledge within, the truth/ presence of the Creator/
divine self/ united consciousness.
Separation forms
within when you neglect or ignore your natural ability of being eternally connected with the Creator, and your ego adopts
the role of guiding you. When you exist in harmony and oneness with the united consciousness of the Creator you have
all the wisdom in the universe of the Creator available for you to draw upon,
as well as constantly being guided,
supported and inspired to expand and explore your truth. Separation is when you
try to achieve the same without the support
of the Creator.
Current next phase of
ascension = cleansing and purifying your attachment to the energies and
activate vibrations, emotions and thoughts that create the presence of
separation within you.
Therefore, I am holding the
Ascension Light for you so you can heal, cleanse and release all forms,
energies, thoughts, emotions, perspectives and creations of separation within
your being in order to return to your united consciousness with the Creator and all
that is the Creator. Your united
consciousness has never deserted you, it
has always been present, simply hidden
from view. As you clear all attachments to separation which may have been formed in this lifetime or previous
lifetimes, the energy of separation will fall away, creating clarity for you to
see the natural existence and truth of your being; united consciousness. As you view the presence of united consciousness within you all aspects of
your being will expand, it will be as if you are connected to and embody the
entire universe of the Creator. You will be observing all aspects and
expressions of the Creator within your being. It will be as if you can connect
with any light being in the universe of the Creator, draw any energies, wisdom
or assistance into your being or reality, and feel the constant presence of the
Creator supporting you and working through
Experiencing united
consciousness doesn’t mean that you have to communicate or meet with other
physical beings on the Earth. Essentially the way you communicate with your
outside world doesn’t have to change, although it will. It is your inner
experience which is most important, and
this will automatically create beautiful transformations within your outer or physical reality. United consciousness
is an inner experience. To describe
united consciousness, we could say it is an expansion of your being and energy,
an advanced giving and receiving of Creator energies, experiencing the divine flow of the Creator, seeing the Creator in
yourself, seeing the Creator in others and feeling as if you are connected to
and related with everything. Essentially it is
feeling you are a part of creation.
Master Serapis Bey’s Ascension Light
As I, Master Serapis Bey, hold
the Ascension Light for you, it exists above my head as a sphere of yellow,
golden, white and platinum light. I hold within my being and anchor through me
all phases of ascension. Each new ascension
level and energy you grasp, awaken and activate within your being, I have
previously downloaded and hold for you. I
hold the next phase of ascension for you
as a light beacon that you can draw upon,
integrate with and embody, supporting you in awakening new aspects within your
being, thus equalling the energy I am holding for you. The light I am currently
holding is a combination of cleansing and purification to heal your attachments
to separation and the most appropriate vibrational frequency of united consciousness.
Serapis Bey, I call you forth to support me in easily moving into the next
phase of my ascension which is of a
greater experience of united
consciousness and healing of my attachments to separation. Please deliver the
Ascension Light you hold to me now.’
Visualise that I, Master
Serapis Bey, exist before you, the sphere of Ascension Light above my head. I
lower the Ascension Light until it exists at your heart chakra. Send energy
from your heart chakra to connect with the sphere of Ascension Light. As you do
so the sphere of Ascension Light expands
until you can step into it. Allow yourself to exist within the sphere of Ascension Light. Focus upon breathing the light of a yellow, golden,
white and platinum colour into your being. You can focus upon the energy flowing
into your body from all directions or through your heart chakra.
Repeat silently for as long as
you feel is appropriate while focusing on your breathing: ‘I now joyfully
cleanse and heal my attachments to separation.’
The energy will shift within
you even if only a small amount. When the shift
occurs, you will feel a greater presence of unity within your being. Enjoy this
feeling, expanding your energy and experiencing your greater connection with the Creator and all that is the Creator.
When the process is complete, I will
ground you and withdraw. Please ground yourself as well.
This new phase of ascension
for you may last a number of weeks or
months, I, Master Serapis Bey, encourage you to experience the meditation
practice I have share with you often, and especially when you feel guided. Be
aware that you may feel low in mood or vibration;
you may experience negative emotions, thoughts or memories from the past
or past lifetimes rising. Know that this is a part of the cleansing and
purification process of your attachments to separation, it is a natural
process. In these times allow yourself to call upon me, Master Serapis Bey to
bring the sphere of Ascension Light to you for you to exist within, even if it
is only for a few minutes. This will
assist in the old energies falling away and a greater clarity of the united
consciousness within you dawning. Remember that you are experiencing a new
beginning in your ascension, which is rising within you and may even feel
challenging, it will pass and a greater connection with the Creator will be
experienced and acknowledged by you.
With constant support of your
Master Serapis Bey