through Natalie Glasson – 17th March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
We, the Pleiadians
Consciousness, come forth in love and truth to greet you. We bring forth the
energy and light of our civilisation to support you in your period of
ascension. As a being upon the Earth, you
are not alone, your consciousness is connected
to all aspects of the Creator, and all
aspects of the Creator are connected with
you. This is an aspect of ascension which
is dawning now; there is a duality within
your ascension which requires to be dissolved
so that truth may manifest for you to experience. Often as human beings, you can feel alone and separate from
others and even the Creator, this can cause tremendous pain and suffering which
manifests into your physical reality and experiences. This is simply a result of a lack of consciously realising and
acknowledging your eternal connection
with the Creator. In order to dissolve
experiences of loneliness and separation,
there is a need to accept an aspect of ascension which appears to be two contrasting ideas.
To support your ascension and
deepening connection with the Creator there is a need to connect with the
energies within your being. To observe your emotions, thoughts and actions
recognising whether they are aligned with
the energy of the Creator or not. It is
to realise whether your thoughts,
feelings and actions lead you to the Creator or away. It is also essential to
connect with the energy of the Creator within you. The Creator can be recognised in numerous ways such as love, peace,
joy, bliss and synchronicity. When you allow yourself to realise, recognise and merge with these sacred energies within you, you allow yourself
to exist in harmony with the Creator. Experiences of sacred energy overflowing from your heart chakra and radiating from
your being can be the result of aligning yourself with the Creator within.
The process of recognising the
Creator within your being can appear to be a lonely experience. Often a
connection and deep realisation of the Creator can take time, patience and
meditation, with your focus inward rather than outward. In times when the
Creator feels distant and not present with you, there can be experiences of tremendous loneliness as you are aware of the chattering
of your mind, areas which require to be healed,
uncertain feelings and an emptiness which
seems unexplainable. The support of another
person sending healing or visualising your desired outcome on your behalf can
assist you with your inner connection. However, there is a need for you to move
through and release your wounds of separation as well as your illusions of
disconnection with the Creator to create space within your being for the truth
to unfold. Essentially experiencing
loneliness, separation, uncertainty and emptiness within your being can be a
healing and cleansing process that allows you to create a clear and pure
connection with the Creator.
Whether you are in the process
of discovering your inner connection with the Creator or are currently
experiencing and exploring your inner
connection with the Creator, you may find yourself turning inward,
disconnecting from the outside world and feeling as if you wish for time to
yourself. Please recognise that this is also a part of your ascension process,
it requires your acceptance as well as your observation, as this natural period of your ascension can become a habit which links itself to fear of the
outside world. Some people are both fearful of their outside world and their
inner world which causes them to experience tremendous
isolation from the Creator. The person they are hiding from is themselves. In
these cases, acceptance of self is a powerful healing balm.
Beyond Yourself
When you become accustomed to
connecting with the presence of the Creator within you, this becomes a
fulfilling experience which creates numerous opportunities of further connection with the Creator within
your being and reality. The experience becomes delightful and inspirational,
encouraging you to feel as if you are discovering who you really are and your inner truth. This is when you are invited to experience the opposing experience of connecting within.
The duality of your ascension we are speaking about is that you are encouraged to both connect within your being
while also be connected to all aspects of
the Creator, meaning everything that is within and outside of you. This can seem impossible, like two opposing
experiences and states of being.
Interestingly, experiencing
your connection with the Creator within your being;
leads you to experience your
connection with all aspects of the Creator, within and outside of you. It is as
if you move from one extreme to the other. You move through loneliness, despair
and separation to discover connection, fulfilment, love and truth within your
being. This leads you to exist within, harmonising with and experiencing
the fulfilment of the Creator as a
natural part of your being. It can also be
described as being in the flow, expressing the Creator and even
enlightenment, although true enlightenment forms when you realise your eternal connection to every being on the Earth
and the inner planes. Harmonised with the
Creator you then begin to explore the presence and existence of the
Creator beyond yourself. In the past, you may have felt completely separate
from others, however, with your strong inner bond with the Creator all
barriers, boundaries, limitations and illusions begin to fall away. This is when you realise that the time spent
experiencing the Creator within you was immensely valuable as you became
familiar with and able to recognise your own
energy, which is enormously appreciated when you
discover that you can merge with all aspects of the Creator. With the ascension experience of connecting with all
aspects of the Creator, it is as if your boundaries become blurry, no longer is
your physical body seen as a separating aspect of yourself, no longer do people
feel like strangers, no longer are you confused by the actions of others, and
the direction the world is evolving into. A deep-seated sense of
connection manifests which we feel can be better explained as a deep-seated
knowingness within your being and familiarity with everything around you. You
realise that everything is a part of you because you are a part of the Creator.
Common Mistake
A common mistake comes from
the ego connected to belongings and control. When you recognise that you are connected to all aspects of the Creator a sense
of entailment can manifest, meaning that you
may feel you have control over others,
that they belong to you and frustration can arise when others do not act or
react in the way you believe is appropriate. This
is when the energy of separation can appear. Even though you are
connected to all beings and aspects of the Creator, holding a deep knowingness,
your purpose is not to guide, control, be frustrated or alienate others or
yourself. In fact, acceptance becomes the key. Realising that your connection
with all aspects of the Creator is to support you and your experiences upon the
Earth rather than to monitor, lead or control others. Enjoying the experience
of connection with all aspects of the Creator while observing the transitions
within your being allows you to access beautiful states of enlightenment.
Joy of Connecting Beyond Yourself
The greatest joy that
manifests is that through your deep connection with, familiarity and
knowingness of all that is the Creator you begin to enjoy communicating,
relating and connecting with other aspects of the Creator on the Earth or the
inner planes. Each connection, whether simply a smile, eye contact or just
existing silently in the presence of another becomes a profoundly enlightening
and fulfilling experience. Observing a tree, animal, the sky or any aspect of
the Earth becomes a deeply enlightening
process because you are aware of your essence merging, dancing and synthesising
with numerous aspects of the Creator. You are always aware of who you are, and yet each connection allows you to
discover more of your truth and empower your essence. You will find yourself
actively seeking to connect with and observe all aspects of the Earth and the
inner planes because you simply wish to play with, explore and know the Creator
more fully. When we compare this with the process of connecting within to
experience the Creator, we recognise that
it is a complete turnaround, which you
actively seek to observe the Creator in all. It is as if two aspects of duality
become one and you create a circle in your spiritual evolution which continues
to expand.
You will discover the Creator
in your outside world if you first accept the Creator in your inside world.
We, the Pleiades, wished to
share our insight with you so you can observe this duality that arises in
ascension, realising that there is a pathway for you to uncover which will lead
you to your ultimate fulfilment and experience of life. The pathway we describe
to you is the pathway of your
enlightenment which will alter and shift the world around you, allowing you to
be of service through this process, often without realising. Your natural
existence is to be connected to all
aspects of the Creator; this is the
fulfilment you seek, it is the healing balm to the emptiness within you.
With love and peace,
The Pleiadian Consciousness
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